From: John on

When I plot 3D data with large xyz values, the "Move Camera Forward/Back" button on the Camera toolbar does not work. However, when I manually change the CameraPosition property in the Command Window, it adjusts the camera position fine. I understand that the axes are very large, but it is simply the nature of the data I am working with. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Example code:
[x,y] = meshgrid([-1e6:10000:1e6],[-1e6:10000:1e6]);

I am doing the following to manually change the camera position:

From: John on
"John " <> wrote in message <hs9qs0$dtb$1(a)>...
> Hi,
> When I plot 3D data with large xyz values, the "Move Camera Forward/Back" button on the Camera toolbar does not work. However, when I manually change the CameraPosition property in the Command Window, it adjusts the camera position fine. I understand that the axes are very large, but it is simply the nature of the data I am working with. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
> Example code:
> [x,y] = meshgrid([-1e6:10000:1e6],[-1e6:10000:1e6]);
> surf(x,y,abs(x)+abs(y));
> cameratoolbar;
> I am doing the following to manually change the camera position:
> set(gca,'cameraposition',.9*get(gca,'cameraposition'))
> Thanks,
> John

I think I found my issue in cameratoolbar.m. MATLAB is setting a maximum and minimum distance when using "camera move forward/back"
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