From: Brandt on
I installed MOSS2007 and created a shared service provider called
SharedServices1. I then created another shared service provider called
SharedServices, assigned it as default and then deleted SharedService01.
Everything seems to work however I get an SQL error log every minute claiming
a log in failed for SharedService01_DB. When I add an empty
SharedService01_DB into sql the errors cease which leads me to believe there
is something that went wrong in the configuration. The log files show the
following 2 errors repeatedly.

01/17/2007 14:02:20.77 mssearch.exe (0x0B9C)
0x15A4 Search Server Common Common
0 Monitorable CResourceManager::CreateSession Error creating non fastload
session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
SharePoint Services;Timeout=15';'. -
01/17/2007 14:02:20.77 mssearch.exe (0x0B9C)
0x15A4 Search Server Common UtilCommon
0 Monitorable Dumping error record [0]: Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server HRESULT: 0x80004005 Code: 4060 Description: Cannot open
database "SharedServices01_DB" requested by the login. The login failed. -
File:d:\office\source\search\common\pkmutild\atldbext.cxx Line:1250