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From: Kenneth H on 11 Apr 2010 14:00 Hey guys!, I've been working with an m-file for some time now, and it contains an animation which I use to help visualize what i'm doing and it works fine. However, I now want to use the animation for a powerpoint presentation but I cant get movie2avi to create a file for me. I need to do this before I can even start to think about getting it into a presentation. Included below is most of the code so people can see the animation. I've also posted the error message. I don't know much about .avi files or codecs so I'm not sure if it's just something my computer is missing. Here's the code: ______________________________________________________________ clear all % input varibales for analysis k = 5; %number of terms in expansion P = 100; %load (N) beta = 0.1; % non-dimensional damping parameter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % material and geometric constants L = 30480; %length of beam (mm) E = 200000; %youngs modulus (MPa) b = 2438; % width of cross section h = 20; % height of cross section A = b*h;% cross sectional area of beam (mm^2) rho = 7.8E-9;% density of beam material (kg/mm^3) I = (b*h^3)/12;% second moment of area (mm^4) % critical speed (resonance of first mode) cr = (pi/L)*(sqrt(E*I/rho/A)); % speed of load c = 70;% (mm/s) alpha = c/cr; % non-dimensional speed parameter omega = pi*c/L; omegaj = ([1:k]*pi/L).^2*(sqrt(E*I/rho/A)); omegab = beta*omegaj(1); % length vector; x1 = 0:L/100:L; x1 = x1'; x = repmat(x1,1,length(x1)); % time vector tt = L/c; step = tt/(length(x1)-1); t1 = 0:step:tt; t = repmat(t1,length(t1),1); % static deflection of beam at mid span u0 = (P*L^3)/(48*E*I); % (mm) n = round(alpha); if beta == 0; u2 = 0; else if n > 0; if abs(n-alpha)<0.01; u2 = (u0/2/n^4)*(exp(-omegab*t).*sin(n*omega*t)-(n^2/beta)*cos(n*omega*t).*(1-exp(-omegab*t))).*sin(n*pi*x/L); else u2 = 0; end else u2 = 0; end end u = 0; for j = 1:k; if abs(j-alpha)<0.01; u1 = 0; else u1 = u0*(1/(j^2*(j^2-alpha^2)))*(sin(j*omega*t)-(alpha*exp(-omegab*t)/j).*sin(omegaj(j)*t)).*sin(j*pi*x/L); end u = u +u1; end u3 = u +u2; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % creation of movie for i = 0:1:length(x1)-1; ax1 = (0:100)*L/100; subplot(2,1,1), plot(ax1,-u3(:,i+1)/u0,'linewidth',1.5,'color','r'); xlabel('beam length (mm)') ylabel('deflection (u/u0)') title('Beam deflection under load') axis([-0.03*L 1.03*L -1.7 0.6]) line([i*L/100 i*L/100],[0-(u3(i+1,i+1)/u0) 0.5-(u3(i+1,i+1)/u0)],'Color','k','linewidth',2) line(i*L/100,(-u3(i+1,i+1))/u0,'Color','k','marker','V','MarkerSize',3,'linewidth',3) % location of first supports a = [1 0]; b = [L+1 0]; % height of support h = 0.5; % support 1 line([a(1) a(1)+h*L*0.03],[a(2) -h+a(2)],'linewidth',1); line([a(1)-h*L*0.03 a(1)+h*L*0.03],[-h+a(2) -h+a(2)],'linewidth',1); line([a(1)-h*L*0.03 a(1)],[-h+a(2) a(2)],'linewidth',1); % support 2 line([b(1) b(1)+h*L*0.03],[b(2) -h+b(2)],'linewidth',1); line([b(1)-h*L*0.03 b(1)+h*L*0.03],[-h+b(2) -h+b(2)],'linewidth',1); line([b(1)-h*L*0.03 b(1)],[-h+b(2) b(2)],'linewidth',1); % ax2 = (0:100)*tt/100; subplot(2,1,2), plot(ax2(1:i+1),-u3(51,1:i+1)/u0,'linewidth',1.5,'color','r'); xlabel('time (s)') ylabel('deflection (u/u0)') title('Deflection at the centre of the beam') axis([-tt/20 21*tt/20 -1.7 0.6]) M(i+1) = getframe(gcf); end movie2avi(M,'a','compression','none','quality',100) % here is my attempt at saving the %movie for future use ___________________________________________________________________ ....and the error message: ??? Error using ==> avi Failed to open file. Error in ==> avifile.avifile at 171 aviobj.FileHandle = avi('open',filename); Error in ==> movie2avi at 63 avimov = avifile(filename,varargin{:}); Error in ==> unsw at 126 movie2avi(M,'a','compression','none','quality',100) _________________________________________________________________ Thanks for any help!
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