From: Tonkuma on
Valid format strings are 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' only, on DB2 for LUW
9.1 or earlier.

The format string 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS' is supported on DB2 for LUW 9.5
or later.

From: guenter on
On 15 Mrz., 23:54, Norbert Munkel <linger...(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am facing a little bit of trouble when trying to run the following
> statement on some AIX-Instances (All DB2-Versions from 8.2 up to 9.5):
> db2 "select max(to_date(end_time,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) from
> table(admin_list_hist()) as histlist"
> I am getting the following error:
> SQL0171N  The data type, length or value of argument "2" of routine
> "SYSIBM.TO_DATE" is incorrect.  SQLSTATE=42815
> The same statement on Linux returns the right value:
> db2 "select max(to_date(end_time,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) from
> table(admin_list_hist()) as histlist"
> 1
> --------------------------
> 2010-03-15-
>    1 record(s) selected.
> What´s wrong with the format string (which should be "argument 2" in
> this case)?
> Any hints are welcome!
> cu,
> Norbert

I have no problems with this statement on 9.5 on aix 5.3

> db2 connect to *****
connect to *****

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/AIX64 9.5.5
SQL authorization ID = *****
Local database alias = *****

> db2 "select max(to_date(end_time,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) from table(admin_list_hist()) as histlist"b with ur
select max(to_date(end_time,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) from
table(admin_list_hist()) as histlistb with ur


1 record(s) selected.

mfg guenter
From: Norbert Munkel on
Thanks. Missed that one... :-(

Tonkuma schrieb:
> Valid format strings are 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' only, on DB2 for LUW
> 9.1 or earlier.
> The format string 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS' is supported on DB2 for LUW 9.5
> or later.
From: Norbert Munkel on
Anyway: the timeformat-modifier of "export" supports this kind of stuff
in all Versions...with "MM" instead of "MI" of course. Like having two
kinds of printf-syntax in the same engine. ;-)

just my 2 ct´s

Norbert Munkel schrieb:
> Thanks. Missed that one... :-(
> Tonkuma schrieb:
>> Valid format strings are 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' only, on DB2 for LUW
>> 9.1 or earlier.
>> The format string 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS' is supported on DB2 for LUW 9.5
>> or later.
From: Tonkuma on
An example without using to_date:

------------------------------ Commands Entered
'YyZzMmDdHhNnSs') ) )
FROM TABLE(admin_list_hist()) AS histlist;


1 record(s) selected.