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From: Joe Volzer on 7 Jun 2010 14:45 I have just started learning how to write GUIs in MATLAB. I am trying to write a context menu that copies a single subplot to a new figure. I was able to get a test case working by using the following code: close all clear figure s = NaN(2,1); p = NaN(2,1); t = 0:.1:2*pi; s(1)=subplot(2,1,1); hold on; k= plot(t,sin(t)); plot(t,rand(length(t),1).*sin(t)','r'); hold off; s(2)=subplot(2,1,2); hold on; plot(t,cos(t));plot(t,zeros(length(t),1),'k--'); hold off; plots=2; % build context menu specific to each subplot for i = 1:plots hcmenu = uicontextmenu; hcb = ['figure, axes, copyobj(allchild(s(',num2str(i),')),gca);']; item = uimenu(hcmenu, 'Label', 'Embiggen', 'Callback', hcb); set(s(i),'uicontextmenu',hcmenu); end Here is the current version of my code: for j = 1:pages for k = 1:5 .... % This portion generates the subplots .... % This loop builds and attaches a context menu to each subplot. for plots=1:3 % We use count-4+plots as an index instead of count. This is so % context menus can be attached to the appropriate plots. hcmenu = uicontextmenu; % This builds the callback for the context menu figh = ['hsp(',num2str(count-4+plots),')']; hcb = ['figure,axes,copyobj(allchild(', figh ,'),gca);']; item = uimenu(hcmenu, 'Label', 'Embiggen', 'Callback', hcb); set(hsp(count-4+plots),'uicontextmenu',hcmenu); end end end hsp is an array that contains the handles of my subplots. It is initialized as an array of zeros. When I right click on the desired subplot, the context menu appears. When I try to "Embiggen" the subplot, I get the following error: ??? Error using ==> waitfor Undefined function or method 'hsp' for input arguments of type 'double'. ??? Error using ==> waitfor Error while evaluating uimenu Callback Any suggestions as to what might work? Thanks in advance.
From: Joe Volzer on 10 Jun 2010 13:36 This thread contained the information that I was looking for:
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