From: pk on
Ed Morton wrote:

> The OP had this concern:
>> It works fine now but what will happen if
>> each file has different rows?
> so apparently you can't assume he'll have the same number of lines in
> every file and particularly you can't assume the number of lines in the
> last file read will be the max number of lines.

Good catch, I had missed that.

> He doesn't say what to do in that case, but we could do this:
> awk 'NR==FNR{out[FNR]=$1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $4 OFS $5}
> {out[FNR]=out[FNR] OFS $7 OFS $9; maxFnr=(FNR > maxFnr ? FNR :
> {maxFnr)}
> END {for(i=1;i<=maxFnr;i++) print out[i]}' file1 file2 file3 ... file100
> Note the change from FNR to maxFnr in the END loop.
> There's probably more needs to be done so the "columns" don't get
> left-shifted if there's fewer lines in some files but until the OP tells
> us what he wants (e.g. populating some "NULL" value in columns if missing
> lines) there's not much point guessing any further....

From: ezhil on
On Feb 24, 1:59 pm, pk <p...(a)pk.invalid> wrote:
> Ed Morton wrote:
> > The OP had this concern:
> >>  It works fine now but what will happen if
> >> each file has different rows?
> > so apparently you can't assume he'll have the same number of lines in
> > every file and particularly you can't assume the number of lines in the
> > last file read will be the max number of lines.
> Good catch, I had missed that.
> > He doesn't say what to do in that case, but we could do this:
> > awk 'NR==FNR{out[FNR]=$1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $4 OFS $5}
> >       {out[FNR]=out[FNR] OFS $7 OFS $9; maxFnr=(FNR > maxFnr ? FNR :
> >       {maxFnr)}
> > END {for(i=1;i<=maxFnr;i++) print out[i]}' file1 file2 file3 ... file100
> > Note the change from FNR to maxFnr in the END loop.
> > There's probably more needs to be done so the "columns" don't get
> > left-shifted if there's fewer lines in some files but until the OP tells
> > us what he wants (e.g. populating some "NULL" value in columns if missing
> > lines) there's not much point guessing any further....
> Agreed.

Thank you very much PK and Ed for the help. It works fine.