From: pk on
Javi Barroso wrote:

> On Mar 2, 10:09 am, pk <p...(a)pk.invalid> wrote:
>> Janis Papanagnou wrote:
>> >> works, but I have the impression that I'm overcomplicating it.
>> >> However, I cannot find a simpler way. Any suggestion?
>> > awk '{ print | "command" }
>> > /^END$/ { close("command") }'
>> Yes, thanks (and to Bill). I was thinking of something more shell-ish
>> rather than calling external commands in awk, but that'll do.
>> Thank you!
> what about using eval ?
> eval "$(awk '
> !/END/ { input=input$0"\n"; }
> /END/ { printf "printf \"%s\" | command ;", input; input=""; }
> ')"
> Or this command is an evil command ? :)

Well, it's evil if you don't have any control over the contents of whatever
you apply it on (eg user input). But if you know your data and use it
consciounsly, it's actually very useful.
In this specific case, I don't think eval provides a significant benefit
over the other solutions (and make the code more complicated because of all
the levels of quoting going on).

Thank you!