Date lies between I have 2 date column in sheet "DB" and I need to find if the date entered in sheet1 lies between these dates.. That is for Example - if I enter dates 12-May to 15-May it should say "True" or what ever else "false" Its should check the entire column and give the result. From To 12-May 15-May 25-May 2... 4 Jun 2010 12:34
Excel template similar to MS Money less investments? Is there an Excel template or freeware that does the recording functions of M/S Money but doesn't involve investments and live updating ? Basically I'm looking for a check book program that makes some reports possible. ... 4 Jun 2010 10:21
Declaring Variables I'm either horribly confused, or old age is taking its toll. But there seems to be too many options for declaring variables and I;m having trouble figuring out the best way for declaring variables. Tell me if I have it straight: variables declared at the top of a module are shared within all procedures in t... 4 Jun 2010 10:21
Search Macro or VB script anyone know of a search macro or VB script that can perform searches for cell entrys such as SKUs along multiple Excel spreadsheets? I need a fast way to search for specific entrys in hundreds of spreadsheets. Thanks Evan ... 4 Jun 2010 10:21
Vba Date$ I have to use the Date$, and this seems to be swapping the day and month: The system date is 04/06/2010 (dd/mm/yy), and the regional setting are for the UK when I try Dstr = Format(Date$, "dd/mm/yy"), I get 06/04/2010, and when I break it down into individual elements, ie Y = Year(Date$) M = Month(D... 4 Jun 2010 08:08
Trouble with UserName 1. Is there a 'Standard' term for User and User Name? I'm trying to save a file to a user's desktop. and have written the following, which grinds to a stop in the If statement at the bottom. How should I write this? 2. I want to also copy the contents of a textbox into the new file. The textbox is called "Text... 4 Jun 2010 13:41
Vlookup in vba - how to use absolute rows not relative Hi I have the following snippet of code: Sheets("mdata").Select Range("E1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "RVU" Range("E2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(RC[-1],rvu!R[-1]C[-4]:R[7238]C[-3],2)),0,VLOOKUP(RC[-1],rvu!R[-1]C[-4]:R[7238]C[-3],2))" Range("E2").Select... 4 Jun 2010 00:32
Automatic Prompt for Users to Save I have an Excel 2007 workbook that is populated by an Access table. Once the data is transferred to Excel, Access opens Excel so we can view the data. I would like to have the Excel spreadsheet then prompt the users to save so they don't forget. I tried to just set up the Excel spreadsheet as a template, but... 7 Jun 2010 16:38
using ADO from Excel 2007 We just upgraded to Vista from XP and on some PCs get an error message about MSRDO20.dll not being installed when I try and connect to a SYBASE database using ADO. I have asked the technology group for help installing this (some PCs have it, some don't) My question is - fromteh VBA Developer screen (inside Exc... 3 Jun 2010 23:26
Where am I going wrong ? I'm trying to use SetFocus but not suceeding Please would you indicate the error in the following code For c = StartColNo To EndColNo - 1 If Sheets("Template").Cells(RowNo, c) > 0 Then MsgBox "WARNING - This Room is not available" UserForm1.cb_Rooms.SetFocus Exit ... 4 Jun 2010 08:08 |