From: Mayayana on
I'm guessing you're probably somewhat confused by
now if you're still reading. :)

Newsgroups ("usenet") are a separate protocol from
webpages. (nntp/http) You can read them through
Thunderbird, Outlook Express, etc.
The real name of this group is just:

Forum websites like are just parasite
websites that take newsgroup content and pretend that
it's their own. (There is such a thing as an online forum.
Small companies sometimes create them for passive
product support. But that's different from "webbified"
newsgroups) The forum layout is difficult to use and
to read, in comparison to the actual newsgroups. You'd
be better off getting a newreader.

But there's also another wrinkle here:

Microsoft are in the process of ending all support
for usenet. They are setting up some moderated web forums,
trying to get MS customers to drop usenet and move to
Microsoft web forums, where MS salespeople can have
a marketing audience and criticism of Microsoft products
can be squelched.

Paul Clement's post is giving you a URL for one of those
new web forums. Like other web forums, it's poorly designed,
hard to use, and subject to editing by moderators. But it
might be the only place to find what you want if you
can't find an active newsgroup.

If you want to try the newsgroups that Mike Williams
mentioned, don't do it via parasite web forums. Set up a
newsreader. You can get groups from your own ISP (maybe)
or you can try an online service. Many of us here are using, which is continuing to carry the
Microsoft newsgroups after Microsoft drops them.

If any of the above is not clear, you might try looking
up "usenet" at wikipedia. It's worth the effort to figure
out how to use newsgroups properly.

| When I tried to post this to the project forum, it told me the selection
was incorrect. This was the closes fourm that it let me select.
| ---
| frmsrcurl:

From: j_dixon on
Thanks for all the info. Will try again in another location.

From: Karl E. Peterson on
j_dixon formulated the question :
> Thanks for all the info. Will try again in another location.

Fwiw, both microsoft.public.project.developer and
microsoft.public.project.vba continue to exist on the server. See my sig if you want to sign up
for a free account there, to continue accessing these (and other)
groups as you did before Microsoft told all their customers to FOAD.

..NET: It's About Trust!
Customer Hatred Knows No Bounds at MSFT
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Free usenet access at