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From: Matt J on 7 May 2010 12:11 Similar to Bruno's bsxops, you could also use the function below, which makes use my MatrixObj class An example of use is given in the help text. function v=bsxobj(x) %BSXOBJ - Creates a data type for which matrix operations like addition, %subtraction, etc... behave as in BSXFUN() % % v=bsxobj(x) % %Converts array x to a @MatrixObj data type v capable of bsxfun-like math %operations. % %EXAMPLE: % % >> v=bsxobj([1;2;3i]); % % >> v+v' % % ans = % % 2.0000 3.0000 1.0000 - 3.0000i % 3.0000 4.0000 2.0000 - 3.0000i % 1.0000 + 3.0000i 2.0000 + 3.0000i 0 v=MatrixObj; v.Params=x; v.Ops.minus=@(A,B) bsxfun(@minus,Arg(A),Arg(B)); @(A,B) bsxfun(@plus,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.times=@(A,B) bsxfun(@times,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.rdivide= @(A,B) bsxfun(@rdivide,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.ldivide= @(A,B) bsxfun(@ldivide,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.power=@(A,B) bsxfun(@power,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.eq=@(A,B) bsxfun(@eq,Arg(A),Arg(B)); @(A,B) bsxfun(@ne,Arg(A),Arg(B));,B) bsxfun(@lt,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.le= @(A,B) bsxfun(@le,Arg(A),Arg(B)); @(A,B) bsxfun(@gt,Arg(A),Arg(B));,B) bsxfun(@ge,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.and= @(A,B) bsxfun(@and,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.or=@(A,B) bsxfun(@or,Arg(A),Arg(B)); v.Ops.transpose= @bsxobj_tranpose; v.Ops.ctranspose= @bsxobj_ctranpose; v.Ops.not= @bsxobj_not; v.Ops.uminus= @bsxobj_uminus; v.Ops.sum= @bsxobj_sum; v.Ops.size=@(obj) size(obj.Params); function obj=bsxobj_tranpose(obj) obj.Params=obj.Params.'; function obj=bsxobj_ctranpose(obj) obj.Params=obj.Params'; function obj=bsxobj_uminus(obj) obj.Params=-obj.Params; function obj=bsxobj_not(obj) obj.Params=~obj.Params; function out=bsxobj_sum(obj,varargin) out=sum(obj.Params,varargin{:}); function out=Arg(X) out=X; if isa(X,'MatrixObj') out=X.Params; end
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