From: Ish Khan on
> The problem is in the line:
> set(handles.pushbutton1,'userdata','fullName');
> Because you've encased the variable fullName in a set of quotations (' ') it is being recognised as a String. If you debugged your code, in the push button 2 callback you will see that:
> fullName = get(handles.pushbutton1,'userdata');
> will return:
> fullName = 'fullName';
> So now you're local variable fullName has the String value of 'fullName' and when you attempt to read the 'image' instead of:
> imread('C:\Documents and Settings\...');
> you will have:
> imread('fullName');
> which of course does not exist. So then, all you need to do is remove the quotation marks of your original userdata definition, i.e:
> set(handles.pushbutton1,'userdata',fullName);
> Chris

Thank you very much:) I see the error, thanks a lot for your help....