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(pywin related) pywintypes.com_error: -2147417846 "Application busy" Hello list, I'm having a problem with a python COM Excel client that rarely gets the exception pywintypes.com_error with the error code -2147417846. (means Excel is busy) Here the python code of the exception handling: [...] try: # write a excel cell [...] except pywintypes.com_error, ex: if ex... 25 Nov 2009 08:09
Capturing output of os.system to a string How do I capture output to a string? For example, the output of os.system('whoami'). I guess I need to redirect stdout, but I'm a total beginner, and I haven't been able to find out from the tutorials how to do this. ... 23 Nov 2009 21:58
python and netezza Is there any module in python to connect with netezza database?(like cx_Oracle which is used to connect Oracle from python) Thanks for any help. - Shan ... 23 Nov 2009 15:13
scanning under windows WIA with custom settings (dpi / etc ) Hi, I'm trying to scan a document from a python 2.6 script without user interaction. I found a code snippet, that allows me to scan under Vista, but that doesn't allow me to select the dpi / color mode / etc. The snippet uses win32com.client # ##################### script start import win32com.client,os... 28 Nov 2009 21:11
python bijection I couldn't find a library providing a bijective map data structure (allowing for constant-time lookups by value) in the few minutes I looked, so I took a few more minutes to code one up: Is this at all worth releasing? Comments and suggestions welcome. Josh ... 9 Dec 2009 02:18
Python/HTML integration: phileas v0.3 released The prime goal of 'phileas' is to enable html code to be seamlessly included in python code in a natural looking syntax, without resorting to templatng language. see: I intend to submit phileas to the python.announce forum within the next few days. Any feedback r... 28 Nov 2009 22:17
python and web pages Hi, Here is my situation: I'm using the command line, as in, I'm not starting gnome or kde (I'm on linux.) I have a string of text attached to a variable,. So I need to use one of the browsers on linux, that run under the command line, eg. lynx, elinks, links, links2 and do the following. 1. Open a certain web... 20 Nov 2009 21:17
mechanize login problem with website Hello I'm making auto-login script by use mechanize python. Before I was used mechanize with no problem, but in this site I couldn't make it . whenever i try to login always login page was returned even with correct gmarket id , pass, i can't login and I saw some suspicious message... 19 Nov 2009 18:36
FYI: ConfigParser, ordered options, PEP 372 and OrderedDict + bigthank you Hi A big thanks to Armin Ronacher and Raymond Hettinger for PEP 372: Adding an ordered dictionary to collections I'm using ConfigParser and I just assumed that the options in a section were returned in the order they were given. In fact, I relied on this fact. 17 Nov 2009 12:52
ast manipulation Hello, I am hoping for a little help. I have been playing with the python ast module and have run into an issue that I need a little push on. I would like to be able to change a specific element in a specific node in an ast then compile the resulting ast. Consider the simplified example below with its outpu... 18 Nov 2009 08:55 |