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Street address parsing in Python, again. I'm still struggling with street address parsing in Python. (Previous discussion: I need something good enough to reliably extract street name and number. That gives me something I can match against databases. ... 4 Jun 2010 15:51
strange syntax error this may not be an earth-shattering deficiency of python, but i still wonder about the rationale behind the following behavior: when i run :: source = """ print( 'helo' ) if __name__ == '__main__': print( 'yeah!' ) #""" print( compile( source, '<whatever>', 'exec' ) ) i get :: File... 4 Jun 2010 14:45
How to generate execute file that include enthought.traits.api, enthought.traits.ui.api ? On 6/3/10 10:05 PM, ray wrote: Hi all, I code the program that using enthought.traits.api , enthought.traits.ui.api. I want to genereate execute file.I try PY2EXE,bb- freeze,cx_freeze,Pyinstaller ,but the execute files can not run successful. The attach file is my source code. My environm... 4 Jun 2010 12:32
threading and atexit: different behaviour in python2.6 from 2.5 Alan wrote: Hi there, That's another try to get help about this issue I am facing. To help you to help me here goes a simple example. This is a very simplification of a very complex code. -------------------- -------------------- begin import time import sys import atexi... 4 Jun 2010 11:25
Wing IDE 3.2.8 released: Adds Python 2.7 support Hi, Wingware has released version 3.2.8 of Wing IDE, an integrated development environment designed specifically for the Python programming language. This release includes the following minor features and improvements: * Support for Python 2.7 * Partially updated French localization of the GUI (thanks to Jea... 4 Jun 2010 10:18
pass the name of args On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:32 AM, macm <moura.mario(a)> wrote: Hi Folks def myDef(x)     doSomething x     result = x.????     return coolThings --------------------------------- WhatYourName = ('python','is','cool') myDef(WhatYourName) so what I am looki... 4 Jun 2010 15:51
Missing DLL in win98 I hope this is the right place to ask this, and appologise if it's not. I'm trying to install 2.6.5 in Win98 se final. It says "a required dll could not be run". Do I have to upgrade my whole OS just to install this, or is there a fix I can apply to 98 to make it work. The installer doesn't say what dll is missing,... 7 Jun 2010 15:27
Parse and clean odt docs: with lxml ? hints to start ? Basically, I have to upgrade a website with a lot of new content. I received those docs in the openoffice format. If I open and save one of those documents in the html format, I can cut and paste the result in the html page, it's not that bad as a start but I need to clean that html (remove tags, remove or change ... 4 Jun 2010 03:45
queries about exceptions(newbie) Hi all, I am trying to learn exceptions and have few small doubts from There are many statements there of the form, .... except Exception as inst: do something .... except ZeroDivisionError as detail: do something .... except MyError as e: ... 4 Jun 2010 05:55 |