Possible to make subprocess.Popen jobs run serially rather than in parallel? Possible to make subprocess.Popen jobs run serially rather than in parallel? In other words, if a computer is low on memory and doesn't mind waiting.....can Popen be configured to submit to a queue and run jobs *ONE AT TIME*?? That might be useful and avoid crashes and disk swapping. cs ... 16 Jun 2010 18:48
Is there any module/utility like 'rsync' in python hiral wrote: Hi, Is there any module/utility like 'rsync' in python. Thank you in advance. Not exactly what you asked for, but Mercurial provides a Python interface. You might find this URL a good starting point: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/MercurialApi -- Jonathan ... 15 Jun 2010 19:50
logging = logging.getLogger(__name__) Newbie here. I may be missing something obvious, in which case, please feel free to berate and laugh at me. Here's a dubious line of code: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__) How can I refer to the original logging package "logging" after this statement is run? Specifically, I'm trying to add a log handler... 15 Jun 2010 13:08
pythonize this! goal (from e.c.m.): evaluate 1^2+2^2+3^2-4^2-5^2+6^2+7^2+8^2-9^2-10^2+...-2010^2, where each three consecutive + must be followed by two - (^ meaning ** in this context) my solution: s = 0 for i in range(1, 2011): .... s += i**2 .... if not (i+1)%5: .... s -= 2*i**2 .... if ... 19 Jun 2010 06:56
[ANN] Robot Framework 2.5 Hello, Robot Framework [1] is a generic open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test driven development (ATDD). It has an easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases and its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java. I... 15 Jun 2010 06:30
Does MS Office need to be installed to use pywin32 for editing Excel docs? On Jun 15, 10:44 am, Tim Golden <m...(a)timgolden.me.uk> wrote: On 15/06/2010 09:32, Astley Le Jasper wrote: Does pywin32 use elements from Windows itself, or excel when dispatching? Yes: it's simply exposing to the Python user the API provided by MS Office (or whatever other app) via the IDispat... 15 Jun 2010 05:25
Linking to a Python static library. Hi, I am trying to figure out, what files to copy with my app so I am able to initialize the python runtime. Where can I find information about this? Thank you, Filip ... 15 Jun 2010 06:30
Does MS Office need to be installed to use pywin32 for editingExcel docs? On 15/06/2010 09:32, Astley Le Jasper wrote: Does pywin32 use elements from Windows itself, or excel when dispatching? Yes: it's simply exposing to the Python user the API provided by MS Office (or whatever other app) via the IDispatch COM mechanism. IOW, if you don't have Microsoft Excel installed, this ... 15 Jun 2010 05:25
Does MS Office need to be installed to use pywin32 for editing Excel docs? I'm creating excel docs on the fly using XLWT. However, I need to include filters which I believe can only be done with pywin32. Does pywin32 use elements from Windows itself, or excel when dispatching? ... 15 Jun 2010 05:25
Archiving emails in Gmail Hi, I have a requirement that I want to log-in into a gmail account read all unread mails, mark them as read and then archive them. I am using libgmail (version 0.1.11) library to do so, using which I am able to log-in into a gmail account fetch all unread message and then read them one by one. Now my problem i... 15 Jun 2010 12:00 |