Urrlib2 IncompleteRead error I am running urllib2.request and get this response when I do the read. Any ideas what causes this? return response.read() File "C:\Python26\lib\socket.py", line 329, in read data = self._sock.recv(rbufsize) File "C:\Python26\lib\httplib.py", line 518, in read return self._read_chunked(amt) File "... 4 Aug 2010 04:54
Why is there no platform independent way of clearing a terminal? Hi folks, If I'm only interested in linux and windows I know I can do ################################ import os import platform if platform.system( ) == 'Linux': clear = 'clear' else: clear = 'cls' os.system( clear ) ################################ or something equivalent using os.name an... 5 Aug 2010 23:34
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parsing different xml messages Hello, I receive the following different Xml Messages from a socket: <p_control_message serverIP="server-2" xmlns="http://test.com/pt"> <cmdReply> <sessionList> <session> <id>5a62ded</id> <subscriberId>101</subscriberId> <subscriberName>Angie</subscriberName> ... 27 Jul 2010 09:29
How to capture all the environment variables from shell? Hi, R_HOME is set in my shell (bash). But os.environ doesn't have it. I'm not sure what it does when os module is imported. But it seems that os.environ doesn't capture all the environment variable from the shell. Could anybody let me know what is the correct way to inherent all the environment variables form th... 12 Aug 2010 00:38
python styles: why Use spaces around arithmetic operators? This webpage http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ recommends the following. It looks to me that both styles are fine. Could anybody let me know what the rationale is behind this recommendation? - Use spaces around arithmetic operators: Yes: i = i + 1 submitted += 1 ... 30 Jul 2010 21:50
Updating path.py I have been using Jason Orendorff's path.py module for a long time. It is very useful. The only problem is that Python 2.6 deprecates the md5 module it imports, so I (and others using my software) now get this warning whenever they start, which is a little annoying. /homes/hoffman/arch/Linux-x86_64/lib/python2... 27 Jul 2010 13:56
python terminology on classes Hi I'm still kind of confused about the terminology on classes in python. Could you please let me know what the equivalent terms for the following C++ terms? constructor destructor member function member variable virtual member function function I think that C++ "function" is equivalent to python "fun... 28 Jul 2010 18:28
Binary compatibility across Python versions? Hi all, Does Python guarantee binary compatibility across major, minor and/or micro versions? I looked through the docs and even with Google's help I wasn't able to find any official statements on this subject. Specifically, I'm concerned with binaries created by SWIG for a C++ library that our project u... 27 Jul 2010 18:22 |