From: kobem on

Maybe it will be a trivial question but it find it a little bit confusing.
Here is the situation:
I have a sampled data (let's say each sample is 16-bit number coming from
Now I chop the bitstream obtained from serializing 16-bit samples into
4-bit chunks which are mapped into 16 QAM constellation points (let's say
+/- {1,3} +/- j{1,3}).
I have 2 questions:
1. How is the frequency response of the signal changed (if it is) from
going from a bitstream consisting of 16-bit samples into 16-qam
constellation points to which 4-bit chunks of the original bitstream have
been mapped to?
2. How does the answer change to the first question if instead of having
16-bit samples in the original bitstream we have let's say 10-bit samples
(any number of bits which modulo 4 is not zero)so now 2 4-bit chunks are
taken from one sample and the next chuck is a concatenation of 2 bits from
current sample and 2 bits from the next sample?

Thanks for help in advance.