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From: OsherD on 15 Nov 2009 01:37 From Osher Doctorow Since QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) is the quantum theory of the Strong interaction, looking under "QCD gravitation" does yield some more literature such as J.A. Martens Simoes' of U. Federal de Rio Janeiro Brazil's 2004 paper in arXiv, "On a connection between gravitation and quantum chromodynamics." Simoes modifies Dirac's 1938 dimensional analysis comparison of gravitational and what are now closely related to QCD parameters to indicate that gravitation and QCD should be fundamentally connected. This is arXiv: physics/0412060 v1 [physics.gen-ph] 9 Dec 2004 for Simoes' paper. Somewhat more luck is found with additional Weak interaction papers, including in 2008: 1) C. Sivaram, K. Arun, "Gravitational effects of weak interactions," (respectively Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore, and Christ Union College Bangalore) in arXiv, 2008. The authors are very well published. 2) Julius Vanko, Miroslav Sukenik, Josef Sima (respectively Comenius U., others Slovak Technical U., Slovakia), "An approach to relate the weak and gravitational interaction, 2006 in arXiv. 3) "UUnification of weak and gravitational interaction stemming from expansive nondecelerative universe model," Miroslav Sukenik, Josef Sima, Julius Vanko, arXiv, 2000. Osher Doctorow |