From: lettyg82 on 26 Feb 2010 14:18 Good Morning. I am trying to figure out how to calculate the number of days between two dates. I have a table callled events. That table has event date, event type, event outcome. I am pretty new to Access and need help. For example a defendant will have an Advisement Date (AA as stored in the table) and say a Preliminary Hearing date (PH). When i enter information I will enter the date, event type and the event outcome will be (PD for Pending, CN for Continued, or CP for completed). For example Case Number 10-12345 will have an AA on 01/05/10 which is Completed and a Preliminary Hearing on 02/05/10 which was Continued then another Preliminary Hearing date on 02/19/10 which was completed. I want to be able to calculate in a report the number of days between AA and PH date that are completed dates. Is the way that I have the table set up going to allow me to do this or do i have to change the labels and have those specific hearings as field names. Also the table name where i house the Events Info is: tbl_FV_Events the fields are CR (Court case report number - in this table it is the child field) , EventDt, EventTypeCd (This pulls from a lookup table called tbl_LU_EventType), EventOutcomeCd (This pulls from a lookup table called tbl_LU_EventOutcome. Also as an FYI: tbl_FV_CaseInfo is the ONE table and all my other tables are the MANY tables. CR is the parent field on tbl_FV_CaseInfo, where CR in tbl_FV_Events is the child field. Please help
From: Cesar on 28 Feb 2010 11:44 try DateDiff(interval, date1, date2 [, firstdayofweek] [, firstweekofyear] )
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