From: Peter Breitfeld on
"Dominic" wrote:

> Hi. Can someone help me with the following question:
> I have a table of a table of number pairs:
> {{{1,2),(3,-1),{2,-4)},{{1,2},{4,-5},{6,-8}},{{2,-1},{-2,-3},{-4,6}}}
> How may I find the minimum second element in each sub-table? For
> example, the first sub-table is:
> {{1,2},{3,-1},{2,-4}}
> I would like to then extract the {2,-4} element from this item. Then
> the {6,-8} from the second sub-table, then the {-2,-3} element from the
> last.
> Thank you,
> Dominic

This is a possibility:

ll = {{{1, 2}, {3, -1}, {2, -4}}, {{1,2}, {4, -5}, {6, -8}},
{{2, -1}, {-2, -3}, {-4, 6}}}


First /@ (minsecond /@ ll)

Out= {{2, -4}, {6, -8}, {-2, -3}}

Peter Breitfeld, Bad Saulgau, Germany --

From: Carl Woll on
Peter.Pein wrote:
> "Dominic" <miliotodc(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:hipld8$7po$1(a)
>> Hi. Can someone help me with the following question:
>> I have a table of a table of number pairs:
>> {{{1,2),(3,-1),{2,-4)},{{1,2},{4,-5},{6,-8}},{{2,-1},{-2,-3},{-4,6}}}
>> How may I find the minimum second element in each sub-table? For
>> example, the first sub-table is:
>> {{1,2},{3,-1},{2,-4}}
>> I would like to then extract the {2,-4} element from this item. Then
>> the {6,-8} from the second sub-table, then the {-2,-3} element from the
>> last.
>> Thank you,
>> Dominic
> Hi Domonic,
> test3 = Table[row[[Ordering[row[[All, 2]]][[1]]]], {row, #}] &
> is the fastest solution I found so far.
> The others have been
> test1 = (Cases[#1, {_, Min[#1[[All, 2]]]}, 1, 1][[1]] &) /@ # &
> and the slow
> test2 = Fold[If[#2[[2]] < #1[[2]], #2, #1] &, {foo, Infinity}, #] & /@ # &
> All three give the desired result for your example and with
> bigdat = RandomInteger[{-9, 9}, {10^6, 10, 2}];
> I get
> In[12]:= Timing[result1=test1[bigdat];][[1]]
> Out[12]= 19.406
> In[13]:= Timing[result2=test2[bigdat];][[1]]
> Out[13]= 46.738
> In[14]:= Timing[result3=test3[bigdat];][[1]]
> Out[14]= 8.112
> In[15]:= SameQ[result1,result2,result3]
> Out[15]= True
> Peter
Slightly faster would be to use Ordering[..., 1] instead of just

Carl Woll
Wolfram Research