From: Bang Nhan on

I wonder why the possible width in the Canny edge detector in the m.function 'edge' is 1:30? Why 30? and what will be different if I change 30 to other value, i.e less than 30?

And what the pw do anyway?
Here is portion of the edge code for the canny from the image processing toolbox

% Design the filters - a gaussian and its derivative

pw = 1:30; % possible widths
ssq = sigma^2;
width = find(exp(-(pw.*pw)/(2*ssq))>GaussianDieOff,1,'last');
if isempty(width)
width = 1; % the user entered a really small sigma

From: Walter Roberson on
Bang Nhan wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder why the possible width in the Canny edge detector in the
> m.function 'edge' is 1:30? Why 30? and what will be different if I
> change 30 to other value, i.e less than 30?
> And what the pw do anyway?
> Here is portion of the edge code for the canny from the image processing
> toolbox
> "
> % Design the filters - a gaussian and its derivative
> pw = 1:30; % possible widths
> ssq = sigma^2;
> width = find(exp(-(pw.*pw)/(2*ssq))>GaussianDieOff,1,'last');
> if isempty(width)
> width = 1; % the user entered a really small sigma
> end
> "

If you were to reduce pw to a limit less than 30, you would get a small
speed-up, probably unnoticeable unless you repeated the function many
many times.

As for the upper value: if you examine the expression, you will see that
by 30, you are dealing in exp(-450/ssq) . That's pow(4e-196,1/ssq),
which is going to be less than eps(1) unless ssq is at least 12 1/4,
which corresponds to sigma 3.5 . 3 1/2 standard deviations is enough for
99.95% of the population; relatively few people are likely to use a
sigma greater than 3.
From: Bang Nhan on

> If you were to reduce pw to a limit less than 30, you would get a small
> speed-up, probably unnoticeable unless you repeated the function many
> many times.
> As for the upper value: if you examine the expression, you will see that
> by 30, you are dealing in exp(-450/ssq) . That's pow(4e-196,1/ssq),
> which is going to be less than eps(1) unless ssq is at least 12 1/4,
> which corresponds to sigma 3.5 . 3 1/2 standard deviations is enough for
> 99.95% of the population; relatively few people are likely to use a
> sigma greater than 3.

Hi Walter,

First thanks for your reply.

Second, there are something that I am not quite understand.
For me, I am trying to find the edge of the image using canny edge detection, and if I correct the pw to 1:1 or 1:2, with an image 200X200 elements in the matrix, it take very short time to get the edge. But if I keep pw=1:30, it take a lot longer. So I have been using the edge with the modified pw=1:1.

But I just do that since it is faster, but I do know how that gonna affect the performance of the edge detector. So that is why I put the question up.

Also, where did you get pow(4e-196,1/ssq)? And what does it mean by less than eps(1)? The sigma I have been using is 5 or 10, since I want the FWHM of the gaussian to cover at least 10 pixels of the 200x200. Did I do that wrong?

From: Bang Nhan on
Hi Walter,

So one thing I want to make sure, is the pw determine how large the filter mask gonna be?
In Gonzalez and Woods's Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, they mentioned that the default size for the linear filter is 3x3 matrix. So I wonder if the Gaussian filter in the Canny is also set to have the default 3x3?

First when I saw the pw1:30, I thought that is the default size for the Gaussian filter. Is that the right thinking? If not then how may I tell how large the mask in the canny is?

From: Walter Roberson on
Bang Nhan wrote:

> Second, there are something that I am not quite understand. For me, I am
> trying to find the edge of the image using canny edge detection, and if
> I correct the pw to 1:1 or 1:2, with an image 200X200 elements in the
> matrix, it take very short time to get the edge. But if I keep pw=1:30,
> it take a lot longer. So I have been using the edge with the modified
> pw=1:1.
> But I just do that since it is faster, but I do know how that gonna
> affect the performance of the edge detector. So that is why I put the
> question up.

I don't know the answer to that, but I would tend to think the accuracy
would be considerably reduced.

> Also, where did you get pow(4e-196,1/ssq)?

If pw can be 1:30 then pw includes 30. exp(-(pw.*pw)/(2*ssq)) then
becomes exp(-(30*30)/(2*ssq)) which is exp(-900/(2*ssq)) which is
exp(-450/ssq) which is pow(exp(-450),1/ssq) which is pow(4e-196,1/ssq)

> And what does it mean by less
> than eps(1)?

eps(1) is the smallest double precision number such that 1+eps(1) is
different than 1. In standard IEEE double precision, eps(1) is basically
2^(-53) . If you have a numeric value which is 1 or greater and you
attempt to add a numeric value less than eps(1), then the addition will
have no practical effect. And that's what that exp() expression
involving pw is about: calculating the distance at which contributions
of values from pixels further away than the distance will have no
practical effect on the result. The canny filter is defined in _theory_
as requiring one to calculate the contributions extending to infinity,
but the fact is that due to floating point precision limitations, there
is no point in going out to infinity; the expression figures out how far
it is worth bothering going to.

When you reduce pw to the range 1:1 then you are, by definition, not
using a canny filter -- not unless your sigma is so _small_ that
exp(-2/(sigma^2)) is smaller than the gaussian cut-off. That's probably
somewhere around sigma < 0.233 .

> The sigma I have been using is 5 or 10, since I want the
> FWHM of the gaussian to cover at least 10 pixels of the 200x200. Did I
> do that wrong?

Lowering the upper limit on pw is equivalent to using a smaller sigma in
the same proportion. Thus if you specified a sigma of 10, but change the
upper limit on pw from 30 down to 1, the effect is as if you had left
the upper limit at 30 but specified a sigma 1/30 as large -- i.e., sigma
10/30 = 1/3 in your case.