From: ImageAnalyst on
Sorry you're right - I didn't look closely enough.

But I run it fine with no errors at all. Just add this code before
the uiwait() and tell me if it doesn't work:

% Resize it to 100 by 100 and display it.
croppedImage = imresize (croppedImage, [100 100]);
subplot(2, 2, 4);
imshow(croppedImage, []);
title('Cropped Image sized to 100 by 100');

It works fine for me
From: Marcus on
yea its run perfectly thanks sir!
i got some other thing wan to ask for your comment i already done my coding part and i cant post the image right here coz its image from casia! So do u mind if we can discuss through email. You can mail me at Marcus.lee8800(a)