From: VanguardLH on
Dave Lee wrote:

> Windows XP Home SP 3
> I have:
> Unlocked Taskbar
> Placed Icons on the Bar
> Locked Taskbar
> The next time I re-boot the system the Quick Launch Icons are missing.
> In the Taskbar Properties I have checked:
> Lock the Taskbar
> Keep Taskbar on top
> Group Similar items
> Show Quick Launch Bar
> Where can I look to solve this problem?

If you right-click on a blank spot in the QuickLaunch toolbar and select
Open, Windows Explorer will navigate to that folder. Do you see your
shortcuts there?

Is a restore-state program running on your host, like Microsoft's
SteadyState, Symantec's old GoBack, Returnil, Acronis Try&Decide, Comodo's
Time Machine which can restore a partition's image on a hard disk back to a
prior known or base state?

What anti-malware or other security products are running on your host?

The only KB article that I found that might be applicable (although for an
older version of Windows) is
From: JD on
VanguardLH wrote:
> JD wrote:
>> The Real Truth MVP is not listed on the MVP list:
> Alas, I found out from the MVPs that not all MVPs are on this list. They
> aren't listed if they so choose. This is like going to the doctor's office,
> seeing their diploma and credits hanging on the wall, but not able to verify
> if any or all of them are true. My response has been that if you aren't on
> the MVP list then you are not an MVP. If you aren't officially listed then
> you are not an official MVP.
>> The web page uses Godaddy's stealth
>> frame-redirection to redirect you to:
>> Check out �pcbutts� using your favorite search engine.
>> Can you really trust someone like this? Do you really want to follow his
>> advice?
> Chris Butts, aka The Real Truth [MVP] and his several other nyms, is a known
> hazardous poster pretending to be an MVP. He never has been an MVP and
> never will be an MVP. The MVP community knows him well and will never
> nominate him. Because he knows he will never legitimately acquire the MVP
> title, he pretends he has it. He is a liar and also a software plagarist.
> He has been discovered trying to imposter other users in a vain attempt to
> inflame others against this denouncing army of posters that expose his past
> exploits and intent.
> He even tried to register the domain to further his pretense as a
> Microsoft employee and as an MVP. The MVPs are already aware of this and he
> has not yet been able to actually host that domain (if he ever does, it is
> likely the MVPs will immediately alert Microsoft who will target their
> armada of lawyers at him). In a response from Microsoft and also according
> to some MVPs, Microsoft already knows about this imposter, too (i.e., his is
> on file). GoDaddy has been notified but declares that they will do nothing
> against this imposter. Their excuse is that they cannot prove intent until
> a web site appears but also claim that whomever becomes his webhoster must
> get notified of his fraudulent site if he ever attempts to actually deploy
> his impersonation. If you look at the response from the GET command when
> trying to visit his site, you get "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily". That
> probably means his webhoster either won't permit him to publish his site or
> he has not yet chosen to publish it.

I appreciate your input on this matter but all I say is he's not on the

From: VanguardLH on
JD wrote:

> VanguardLH wrote:
>> JD wrote:
>>> The Real Truth MVP is not listed on the MVP list:
<snipped my response on why MVPs may be missing>
>>> The web page uses Godaddy's stealth
>>> frame-redirection to redirect you to:
>>> Check out �pcbutts� using your favorite search engine.
>>> Can you really trust someone like this? Do you really want to follow his
>>> advice?
<snipped my expos� on pcbutts1>
> I appreciate your input on this matter but all I say is he's not on the
> list.

Hmm, someone is intercepting your newsgroup posts. They added lines
starting with "The web page ...", "Check out 'pcbutts' ...", and "Can you
really trust ...". >;-)
From: JD on
The Real Truth MVP wrote:
> WOW don't you feel like a fool for telling all those lies. Did you make
> all that up or did some troll tell you?

You're a trip dude. Did you see BTS's web page?

Care to give us a picture of another woman you're not?

Really Chris, you need help. There is something wrong with you.

I just wanted to make sure you saw the page I refer to. I'm not going to
play your game because a person can't win with a person in denial.

Denial is not a river in Africa.

Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a
person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and
rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be
overwhelming evidence.

From: Barry Schwarz on
On Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:20:22 -0800, "The Real Truth MVP"
<trt(a)> wrote:

>WOW don't you feel like a fool for telling all those lies. Did you make all
>that up or did some troll tell you?

This is not the MVP site despite its fake logos.

The correct MVP site is

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