From: Chris Wood on
Hello, I'm working on some image processing capabilities and having a bit of an issue as I try to convert everything into functions.

Basically I want to make my .m files able to work as a function and accept any input image.

Let's say this is my function call;
function [improcess] = processing(InputImage)

The handling of .jpeg and .gif is different, so I want to have a way to extract the filetype of InputImage and create "if INPUTNAME contains this" and "if INPUTNAME contains that" etc. Can I pull that filetype somehow?

From: Nathan on
On Feb 17, 4:09 pm, "Chris Wood" <cwballe...(a)> wrote:
> Hello, I'm working on some image processing capabilities and having a bit of an issue as I try to convert everything into functions.
> Basically I want to make my .m files able to work as a function and accept any input image.
> Let's say this is my function call;
> function [improcess] = processing(InputImage)
> The handling of .jpeg and .gif is different, so I want to have a way to extract the filetype of InputImage and create "if INPUTNAME contains this" and "if INPUTNAME contains that" etc. Can I pull that filetype somehow?
> Thanks!

If you pass in the filename, rather than the image itself, you can
just test if the extension is .jpg or .gif.
You can do a switch statement along the lines of:

function [improcess] = processing(filename)

dot = regexp(filename,'\.')
case {'jpg','jpeg'}
disp('jpg file')
case {'gif'}
disp('gif file')

From: Walter Roberson on
Chris Wood wrote:
> Hello, I'm working on some image processing capabilities and having a
> bit of an issue as I try to convert everything into functions.
> Basically I want to make my .m files able to work as a function and
> accept any input image.
> Let's say this is my function call;
> function [improcess] = processing(InputImage)
> The handling of .jpeg and .gif is different, so I want to have a way to
> extract the filetype of InputImage and create "if INPUTNAME contains
> this" and "if INPUTNAME contains that" etc. Can I
> pull that filetype somehow?

knownexts = {'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'tif'};
lastdotpos = find(INPUTNAME, '.', 1, 'last');
fileext = INPUTNAME(lastdotpos+1:end);
[tf, idx] = ismember(fileext, knownexts );
if ~tf
%not a recognized extension
%you can switch on the value of idx or use fileext as a string or ...
From: Chris Wood on
Perfect, thanks! It took me no time to get that implemented once you pointed that out - just had to create if statements for filetype and RGB vs grayscale.

Appreciate the help!

Nathan <ngreco32(a)> wrote in message <71c44085-b51c-4065-afb7-c0a7c4a82bc0(a)>...
> On Feb 17, 4:09 pm, "Chris Wood" <cwballe...(a)> wrote:
> > Hello, I'm working on some image processing capabilities and having a bit of an issue as I try to convert everything into functions.
> >
> > Basically I want to make my .m files able to work as a function and accept any input image.
> >
> > Let's say this is my function call;
> > function [improcess] = processing(InputImage)
> >
> > The handling of .jpeg and .gif is different, so I want to have a way to extract the filetype of InputImage and create "if INPUTNAME contains this" and "if INPUTNAME contains that" etc. Can I pull that filetype somehow?
> >
> > Thanks!
> If you pass in the filename, rather than the image itself, you can
> just test if the extension is .jpg or .gif.
> You can do a switch statement along the lines of:
> function [improcess] = processing(filename)
> dot = regexp(filename,'\.')
> switch(filename(dot+1:end))
> case {'jpg','jpeg'}
> disp('jpg file')
> case {'gif'}
> disp('gif file')
> otherwise
> disp('error')
> end
> -Nathan
From: ImageAnalyst on
Like others suggested, you can use fileparts() to extract the
extension and then switch on it. On rare occasions, the extension is
wrong and the file actually contains a different type of image. In
that case, you can often check the first two bytes of the file using
fread(). For example, if it's a BMP the bytes will be BM, if it's
tiff they'll be II or MM, and if it's JPEG they'll FFD8 (in hex),
etc. Some programs will handle incorrect extensions, but some will
just throw an exception saying that the file doesn't agree with the