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From: Php Developer on 29 May 2010 15:33 Hi, Apparently ther is a built in limitation to the size of the uploaded file. I have the following message: The uploaded file exceeds size permitted by PHP configuration (2097152 bytes) Iwant get rid of this one. How can I do that? Thank you
From: Mark Steudel on 29 May 2010 22:11 You can change this in your php.ini file.
From: Php Developer on 31 May 2010 18:44
Hi, I'm fine with the php.ini configuration that I have. When I use a regular form, the only message that shows is the one that I want my application to display. The message that I wrote about last time, comes from the QuickForm2 package, and my question is: Is it possible to not show that message? The message is: The uploaded file exceeds size permitted by PHP configuration (2097152 bytes) the message comes from the file InputFile.php of the quickForm2 package. As i'm giving a limit of 1Mb only an error message shows if the file exceeds that. But if the user tries to upload a bigger file the message of the PEAR package shows and has priority over the application message. Thank you ----- Original Message ---- From: Mark Steudel <msteudel(a)> To: Php Developer <pdeveloper(a)> Cc: "pear-general(a)" <pear-general(a)> Sent: Sat, May 29, 2010 10:11:15 PM Subject: Re: [PEAR] QuickForm2 file upload You can change this in your php.ini file. -- PEAR General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: |