From: Man-wai Chang to The Door (33600bps) on 7 Jun 2010 07:43 Anyone compared their throughput and write speed in your own PC? -- @~@ Might, Courage, Vision, SINCERITY. / v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and Farce be with you! /( _ )\ (x86_64 Ubuntu 9.10) Linux 2.6.34 ^ ^ 19:42:01 up 19 days 22:53 2 users load average: 1.13 1.11 1.09 不借貸! 不詐騙! 不援交! 不打交! 不打劫! 不自殺! 請考慮綜援 (CSSA):
From: willbill on 7 Jun 2010 23:30 Mon, 07 Jun 2010 19:43:12 +0800, "Man-wai Chang to The Door (33600bps)" <toylet.toylet(a)> wrote: > Anyone compared their throughput and write speed in your own PC? I tried a couple of raid cards this past 3 years for my home PC machines. Not worth messing around with. Also takes a lot longer to boot. And I don't see that changing anytime soon. Also takes a lot longer to boot with a RAID card. Use single hard drives (or at most two, up to 500GB (SATA), but as separate drives, not RAID), coz they're easy to "back-up" (i.e. clone), to a 500GB IDE that you temporarily plug in for the clone back-up. Also, "back-up" is a tricky term. With cloning you are *always* backing-up. The only question is if it's from the internal to the temp external drive, or from the temp external to the internal. Bill
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