From: Sri on
I wanted to stop an application running in Pocket PC. I have started
the application using the RAPI methos "CeCreateProcess". I could not
find any method in RAPI to kill or stop the process. Please let me know
how to stop the process which is created using CeCreateProcess.


From: indiekiduk on
How itsutils does it is it copies it's own dll to the device and you
make rapi calls to that which in turn can kill processes running on the
See here:

Sri wrote:
> I wanted to stop an application running in Pocket PC. I have started
> the application using the RAPI methos "CeCreateProcess". I could not
> find any method in RAPI to kill or stop the process. Please let me know
> how to stop the process which is created using CeCreateProcess.
> Thanks
> Sri

From: Sri on
Thanks for your reply. I tried using itsutils.dll. But it does not
seems to work.
"Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has
initiated a graceful shutdown sequence." is the message i got after
calling the ITTerminateProcess method. Please let me know what am I
doing wrong.


indiekiduk wrote:

> How itsutils does it is it copies it's own dll to the device and you
> make rapi calls to that which in turn can kill processes running on the
> device.
> See here:
> Sri wrote:
> > I wanted to stop an application running in Pocket PC. I have started
> > the application using the RAPI methos "CeCreateProcess". I could not
> > find any method in RAPI to kill or stop the process. Please let me know
> > how to stop the process which is created using CeCreateProcess.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sri