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From: Inverse 19 mathematics on 3 Mar 2010 17:50 WE DID SPECIFY CLEARLY IN THE POST That we have given secret equations to professors , and then asked you to check the previous post which clearly specified that we had to check the preceding and follwinf numbers to primer number and then dissect these into 1/3 and 2/3 to get a mathematical comparision. We need to be able to read the "writing on the wall, here" the formula goes through a paragon , and is correct , and if the paragon is correct for all numbers then the formula will work . And it has and it will be shown Here is this Math principle "For a sieve to work we need some large particles and some small particles , if we broke down all numbers tio 1/ three , there is no way of telling" WE can safely predict that because math is at 36, and 0.3+0.3+0.3, thart the whole Trio of Riemann , Fermat is wrong. V,.Cameron Get it "Pot sherds"? |