From: Vivek Goyal on

[ Got Jens's mail id wrong in last post hence reposting. Sorry for cluttering
your mailboxes.]


This is V2 of the group_idle implementation patchset. I have done some more
testing since V1 and fixed couple of bugs since V1.

What's the problem
On high end storage (I got on HP EVA storage array with 12 SATA disks in
RAID 5), CFQ's model of dispatching requests from a single queue at a
time (sequential readers/write sync writers etc), becomes a bottleneck.
Often we don't drive enough request queue depth to keep all the disks busy
and suffer a lot in terms of overall throughput.

All these problems primarily originate from two things. Idling on per
cfq queue and quantum (dispatching limited number of requests from a
single queue) and till then not allowing dispatch from other queues. Once
you set the slice_idle=0 and quantum to higher value, most of the CFQ's
problem on higher end storage disappear.

This problem also becomes visible in IO controller where one creates
multiple groups and gets the fairness but overall throughput is less. In
the following table, I am running increasing number of sequential readers
(1,2,4,8) in 8 groups of weight 100 to 800.

DIR=/mnt/iostestmnt/fio DEV=/dev/dm-4
Workload=bsr iosched=cfq Filesz=512M bs=4K
group_isolation=1 slice_idle=8 group_idle=8 quantum=8
AVERAGE[bsr] [bw in KB/s]
job Set NR test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 total
--- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
bsr 1 1 6245 12776 16591 23471 28746 36799 43031 49778 217437
bsr 1 2 5100 11063 17216 23136 23738 30391 35910 40874 187428
bsr 1 4 4623 9718 14746 18356 22875 30407 33215 38073 172013
bsr 1 8 4720 10143 13499 19115 22157 29126 31688 30784 161232

Notice that overall throughput is just around 160MB/s with 8 sequential reader
in each group.

With this patch set, I have set slice_idle=0 and re-ran same test.

DIR=/mnt/iostestmnt/fio DEV=/dev/dm-4
Workload=bsr iosched=cfq Filesz=512M bs=4K
group_isolation=1 slice_idle=0 group_idle=8 quantum=8
AVERAGE[bsr] [bw in KB/s]
job Set NR test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 total
--- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
bsr 1 1 6789 12764 17174 23111 28528 36807 42753 48826 216752
bsr 1 2 9845 20617 30521 39061 45514 51607 63683 63770 324618
bsr 1 4 14835 24241 42444 55207 45914 51318 54661 60318 348938
bsr 1 8 12022 24478 36732 48651 54333 60974 64856 72930 374976

Notice how overall throughput has shot upto 374MB/s while retaining the ability
to do the IO control.

So this is not the default mode. This new tunable group_idle, allows one to
set slice_idle=0 to disable some of the CFQ features and and use primarily
group service differentation feature.

If you have thoughts on other ways of solving the problem, I am all ears
to it.

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