From: nik on 28 Feb 2010 11:52 Hi, I had to build a function that converts RGB to HSV. This is what I've done so far but I am not sure if it is correct or not. Plus, I am stuck with Hue conversion.. can someone help me to verify if I am on the right track or at least give a hint. I've tried to verify it using the built in function rgb2hsv in matlab, but when I plot it separately, there was only a blue image appeared. To verify it, this i did H=rgb2hsv(I); image(H(:,:,1)); image(H(:,:,2)) etc2.. % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This function converts RGB truecolor image to HSV function [H,S,V] = rgbTOhsv(T) [R C B] = size(T); % ------ V ------- ro = T(:,:,1); go = T(:,:,2); bo = T(:,:,3); for i = 1:R for j = 1:C c(i,j) = ro(i,j) + go(i,j) + bo(i,j); V(i,j) = (1/3)*c(i,j); end end % ------- S ------- for m = 1:R for n = 1:C rs(m,n) = double((ro(m,n) - V(m,n))^2); gs(m,n) = double((go(m,n) - V(m,n))^2); bs(m,n) = double((bo(m,n) - V(m,n))^2); S(m,n) = sqrt(rs(m,n) + gs(m,n) + bs(m,n)); end end S = uint8(S); % ------- H ------- V = double(V); for p = 1:R for q = 1:C x = V(p,q)*[2; -1; -1]; so = [(ro(m,n) - V(m,n)); (go(m,n) - V(m,n)); (bo(m,n) - V(m,n))]; end end H = acos(dot(double(so),double(x))/(length(so)*length(x))); V = uint8(V); return;
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