From: Ahmet Usta on 26 Apr 2010 12:46 Hi everyone, I am trying to transfer data from a pulser/receiver device ( to a computer through RS 232 interface. I use the standard algorithm below to define a serial object as the following: obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'serial', 'Port', 'COM1', 'Tag', ''); if isempty(obj1) obj1 = serial('COM3'); else fclose(obj1); obj1 = obj1(1) end fopen(obj1); data1 = query(obj1, '*IDN?'); However after the last command, i always receive the error "A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached". I have checked all the parameters ( Baud rate, stop bits, data bits..) whether they are consistent with those of the instrument. The only parameter which i have no idea about is "Terminator" property of the serial object. It is set to 'LF' by default but i don't know if i have to change this or not. I have read the manual of the pulser/receiver but could not find any information as to this parameter. Can you please help me about this problem?
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