From: Azwan on
Hi Greg and other experts

I have been trying to understand and use the NEWRB for RBF Neural Network. Previously I also has asked several questions about NEWRB on this Matlab Central. I'm still confused about NEWRB. I have several questions for you and hope that you
have time and willing to share your experience and experts about it.

1) How is the selection of RBF center in NEWRB is done?
2) How do we estimate the spread parameters or weights for the Gaussian function in
the NEWRB?

Many thanks in advance for your opinions and suggestions.

From: Azwan on
Hi Greg and other experts

I have been trying to understand and use the NEWRB for RBF Neural Network. Previously I also has asked several questions about NEWRB on this Matlab Central. I'm still confused about NEWRB. I have several questions for you and hope that you
have time and willing to share your experience and experts about it.

1) How is the selection of RBF center in NEWRB is done?
2) How do we estimate the spread parameters or weights for the Gaussian function in
the NEWRB?

Many thanks in advance for your opinions and suggestions.

From: Azwan on
Hi Greg and other experts

I have been trying to understand and use the NEWRB for RBF Neural Network. Previously I also has asked several questions about NEWRB on this Matlab Central. I'm still confused about NEWRB. I have several questions for you and hope that you
have time and willing to share your experience and experts about it.

1) How is the selection of RBF center in NEWRB is done?
2) How do we estimate the spread parameters or weights for the Gaussian function in
the NEWRB?

Many thanks in advance for your opinions and suggestions.

From: Greg Heath on
On May 23, 3:54 am, "Azwan " <azwaniskan...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Greg and other experts
> I have been trying to understand and use the NEWRB for RBF Neural
> Network. Previously I also has asked several questions about NEWRB on
> this Matlab Central. I'm still confused about NEWRB. I have several
> questions for you and hope that you
> have time and willing to share your experience and experts about it.
> 1) How is the selection of RBF center in NEWRB is done?

The input chosen to become the nexr center is the one that
has the smallest measure of correlation with the target as
measured by the sum of the 4th powers of the input-target
correlation coefficients.

The command

type newrb

will reveal the source code.

> 2) How do we estimate the spread parameters or weights for
> the Gaussian function in the NEWRB?

By trial and error. See my post on rbfnn design. Search on

greg heath newrb rbfnn.

> Many thanks in advance for your opinions and suggestions.

You are perfectly welcome.

From: Azwan on
Hi Greg,

Another question again. I'm wondering what type of basis/ transfer function that is used in newrb. I know that it uses radbas. Is this the Gaussian type of transfer function or something similar or different kind. Thanks again for your help
