From: Dustin Cook on
starwars <nonscrivetemi(a)> wrote in

> (Question: WHY would MBAM hire virus writer/passer Raid Slam?)

For my super l33t analysis skills that you wish you had. It's okay, I
promise next time I'm ordering a burger with fries, if you fuckup my order;
I won't come across the counter and put your head in the fry machine. Ok? I
understand that your mentally doing the best you can and that I might
confuse you when I ask for no pickels on my cheese burger.

Hey, since i'm asking; did the fact I'm published in rolling stones and you
probably won't ever be, bother you as well? *grin*. Just checkin.

Hey; do you know why you were able to look that article up and post it in
the first place? *I* took the time to sit down and type it, word for word
as best as I could directly from the magazine that I bought from the store
shelf. If it hadn't been for my kindness, you wouldn't have something to
read about me for free. Wasn't that nice of me? You may thank me now for
the article and the time I spent to provide it to you.

In fact, you owe me alot of credit. I suggest you start thanking me.

"Hrrngh! Someday I'm going to hurl this...hrrngh.. nudge
this boulder right down a cliff." - Goblin Warrior