From: dpb on
Schmidt wrote:
> "Eduardo" <mm(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:hb8uet$arf$1(a)
>>>> The 'Option Base' declaration could serve to set the dafault
>>>> lower bound to 0, the opposite as it's in VB6.
>>> It _does_ serve to set it at either on user choice as it should.
>> I mean that the default should be 1.
> I'd vote against that - the "ZeroBased-thinking" is not only
> there, because "C introduced it this way" ... it has math-
> backgrounds and eases the Array-Handling in many
> common Algorithms/Loops/scenarios.
> simple RingBuffer-example (i.e. implemented in a class):
....[sample code elided for brevity]...

> Or simple Buffer-growings, i.e. in a small StringBuilder-Class:
....[sample code elided for brevity]...

> Now, if you try to write all of the above with OneBased Arrays,
> the whole "index-fiddling" would become much more "unnatural"
> or "unelegant" (from a programmers point of view) ....... IMO ;-)

Very nice demonstrations, Olaf!

And BTW, for Eduardo the reallocation/MemCopy stuff of the latter is
what has to happen "behind the scenes" in his proposed dynamic late
array allocation scheme whether has to write it explicitly or not.

Latest version of Fortran Standard (F2008) does, in fact incorporate its
version of Basic strings (character variables) w/ variable length
strings causing reallocation on assignment in some places (early
versions of CHARACTER in F77 were fixed length, F90/95 introduced
variable length but left some significant "holes" in where/how they
could be used, primarily for compatibility reasons).

In the Matlab group (comp.soft-sys.matlab) there are continuing
discussions on the effect on performance of not "preallocating" arrays
but letting them grow in loops that can be studied for a beginning
understanding of how that decision to allow that feature while providing
syntactical benefits has very real costs associated with it.

From: Eduardo on

> Now, if you try to write all of the above with OneBased Arrays,
> the whole "index-fiddling" would become much more "unnatural"
> or "unelegant" (from a programmers point of view) ....... IMO ;-)

What I mean is not that the 0 based arrays should not be possible, but
when you don't specify the lower bound (and don't have any declaration
such as "option Base"), its default should be 1.

Of course there are situations when 0 based is more appropriate, or even
required, but _my opinion_ is that in general (and not just for me),
there are many more situation that 1 based is more natural.

But this must come along with automatic redim, otherwise it could make
the things worse.

The goal is that the programmer could concentrate his/her efforts in the
functions of his program and not in the technical problems of the language.

Yes, you lose the possibility of "not the check arrays bounds" in the
compiler options.
In that case, if you opt for the option of not checking it (the bounds)
in order to get some speed increase, you'll have to redim the arrays in
your code as it's today.

You don't lose anything, because if you want to program as today, you can.
From: Eduardo on
Scott M. escribi�:

> I'm for the zero-based array, not because it's easier or harder than
> something else. I think ANY programmer (even a new one) has to be adept
> enough with numbers and math to be able to handle a list that starts with 0
> and/or a list that starts with 1 - I really don't think that is a
> show-stopper.
> The reason I'm for zero-based arrays is simply because, im my experience,
> zero-based is the more common approach in most modern programming languages
> and since these days, programmers are being asked to become familiar with
> more than just one language, having more of them support the same standard
> makes jumping back and forth easier and makes careless mistakes because over
> there I use zero, but over here I use 1, not an option.
> We haven't even mentioned that in corporate America (and corporate
> non-America), programmers don't program in a vacuum. They write code that
> must integrate with other code. Having all programmers code according to
> the default array starting index just makes more sense to me in an
> Enterprise, than having some people use one and others using zero. Can you
> say "standards"?
> Just my 1 cents (but please start your cent count from zero).

OK, those are valid reasons, but then it means that the programmers have
to carry "a karma" forever and ever just because something is too
commonly used?

Some language must be the first in changing that.

(Asumming that it would be better in the other way, that it's also under

I'm not saying I'm definitely right, may be I'm wrong, but that's the
way I see it.
From: Eduardo on
> Yes, you lose the possibility of "not the check arrays bounds" in the
> compiler options.
> In that case, if you opt for the option of not checking it (the bounds)
> in order to get some speed increase, you'll have to redim the arrays in
> your code as it's today.
> You don't lose anything, because if you want to program as today, you can.

I had another idea about the redim issue:

Just leave everything as it's now but add another intruction: AutoDim

AutoDim myArray (1) as String

The number indicates the lower bound.
From: Schmidt on

"Nobody" <nobody(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> > I'd vote against that - the "ZeroBased-thinking" is not only
> > there, because "C introduced it this way" ... it has math-
> > backgrounds and eases the Array-Handling in many
> > common Algorithms/Loops/scenarios.
> I think you already know this, but didn't mention it. Using 1 would
> also have a small performance hit, because the compiler has to
> subtract one from the index.

> While the compiler can do the subtraction at compile time in
> certain cases, Ex: A(5), it cannot do that when a variable is
> used as the index.

Yes, an array represents an allocated memory-chunk with a
startaddress. And array-indexes are (calculated) *Offsets*
to that startaddress.
And the first element in an array has naturally Offset 0 then,
so why not transport that directly into the "index-mapping".
It's just the natural way, especially when dealing with languages,
which work more "to the metal" (dealing with pointers directly)
where all that "zerobased-offset-thinking" makes a whole lot
more sense and usually results in shorter writable constructs
(from a programmers view), and often also better "hints" (from
the "compilers point of view") ... as for example in the C-language
(which Scott BTW just classified as one of the "modern languages"
these days... ;-))


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