From: jshansen on
I try to extract information about views defined i Oracle.

The information is in the table SYS.VIEW$

Here is my SQL:
proc sql noprint;
connect to ODBC (dsn=fdwprd schema=sys uid=fdwprd pwd=XXXXXXXX);

create table view_txt as
select *
from connection to odbc ( select obj# , text
from sys.view$ );
disconnect from odbc;

create table view_name as
select object_id
, object_id
, last_ddl_time
from fdwprd.user_objects
where object_type = 'VIEW' ;

create table views as
select a.*,
from view_name a,
view_txt b
where a.object_id = b.obj_;

The column TXT in the table VIEWS$ is LONG, but i only get 1024 chars.

How can i read the whole column.

Jan Selchau-Hansen