From: Friedel Jantzen on
Am Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:29:26 -0700 (PDT) schrieb David Schwartz:

> On Mar 24, 10:00�am, "ScottMcP [MVP]" <scott...(a)> wrote:
>> You can create a struct or class that contains all of the data members
>> to be saved. �Something like
>> struct config
>> {
>> int structlength;
>> int x,y,dx,dy;
>> char text[50];
>> ...
>> } theconfig;
> No, you can't do that. Files are arrays of bytes and to have a file
> format, it must have a defined structure for each byte. If the next
> version of his compiler stores 'int's a different way, he won't be
> able to read back the files he wrote out.
> DS

You can set the alignment to byte to solve this problem:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct config
#pragma pack(pop)

And use types of fixed size, e.g. unsigned __int32.

IMO it is a good idea to set the first member to sizeof(config), as we can
see it for many structs of the Win API.

From: David Schwartz on
On Mar 25, 1:56 am, Friedel Jantzen <nospam_...(a)> wrote:

> You can set the alignment to byte to solve this problem:
> #pragma pack(push, 1)
> struct config
> {
> //...};
> #pragma pack(pop)
> And use types of fixed size, e.g. unsigned __int32.

That still doesn't solve the case where the memory representation

> IMO it is a good idea to set the first member to sizeof(config), as we can
> see it for many structs of the Win API.

Those structs typically use special types that have defined byte
representations (DWORD, LARGE_INTEGER, and so on). And also that
really should be classified as a design decision that has caused
significant pain rather than as a model for future implementation.

This is something that's so easy to do right I can't imagine why
someone would want to do it such an ugly way.

From: Bob Masta on
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:32:47 -0700 (PDT), David
Schwartz <davids(a)> wrote:

>On Mar 24, 8:40=A0am, Piranha <eu_pira...(a)> wrote:
>> I=B4m wondering, isn=B4t there an easier way, to read and write the data?
>> I=B4ve considered making 2 files, a config.ini where I save strings in
>> txt format and a config.dat where I save the rest binary, but I don=B4t
>> like the idea of 2 separate files there.
>> Long speech short sense, how can I write a mixture of text and binary
>> data into a file, and how can I read the the file again to split up
>> the data and convert all pieces back to their types?
>You could reinvent the wheel if you want. But there are already lots
>of solutions to exactly this problem.
>You could define a format that contains a name, a type, and a payload.
>You could always include the length in each entry, or you could define
>an 'end of entry' character. You can keep the data internally as a
>linked list of parameters and also indexed as a hash table if desired.

This is similar to RIFF, which would be a good
model to use: 4 chars give the type of the field,
then 4 bytes (DWORD) give the size, followed by
the data itself in any format you like. No need
to do any conversions. The next field type
follows immediately.

You can read the overall file sequentially, but
you can also scan for a particular "chunk" (field)
by walking the chain.

The reading code can easily skip over any chunks
it doesn't recognize, just by adding the size
dword to the current pointer. That will point to
the start of the next field name. This allows you
to add new fields but still maintain backward
compatibility since older versions of your app can
just ignore them gracefully.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
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From: Leslie Milburn on

"David Schwartz" <davids(a)> wrote in message
On Mar 25, 1:56 am, Friedel Jantzen <nospam_...(a)> wrote:

> You can set the alignment to byte to solve this problem:
> #pragma pack(push, 1)
> struct config
> {
> //...};
> #pragma pack(pop)
> And use types of fixed size, e.g. unsigned __int32.

> That still doesn't solve the case where the memory representation
> changes.

You are overreacting. If the memory representation changes then the
structure can be updated at a later time to reflect that and the original
order reconstructed. Anyway, the chances of this occurring is minimal unless
you completely change compiler and lets face it you might then also run into
left to right versus right to left evaluation differences as well. So, the
solution is to code for today. Worst case, a conversion of the file can be
done when the product is upgraded (which would coincide with a compiler

From: Piranha on
On 25 Mrz., 14:30, N0S...(a) (Bob Masta) wrote:
> This is similar to RIFF, which would be a good
> model to use:  4 chars give the type of the field,
> then 4 bytes (DWORD) give the size, followed by
> the data itself in any format you like.  No need
> to do any conversions.  The next field type
> follows immediately.  
> You can read the overall file sequentially, but
> you can also scan for a particular "chunk" (field)
> by walking the chain.  
> The reading code can easily skip over any chunks
> it doesn't recognize, just by adding the size
> dword to the current pointer. That will point to
> the start of the next field name.  This allows you
> to add new fields but still maintain backward
> compatibility since older versions of your app can
> just ignore them gracefully.

That´s a great concept, in my case I think I can write the code for
that myself, no need for a huge 3rd party library while I only need a
small set of types.

Just one follow up question, out of curiosity:

Reading a file binary is nothing more than creating a variable of
proper type or a struct, a pointer pointing at it, another pointer
pointing at the right point in the file and do


I don´t really have a practical example of what to use it for, but let
´s say I want to send the data to another window, or something like
that, without a detour into/out of a file.
Maybe I have 2 applications, where application1 allows the user to
change some settings, like changing font and color in edit controls,
where then application1 shall submit the changes to application2.
Obviously application1 could write the data into a file and then send
application2 a message to read the file, but it should also be
possible to send the data directly, via WM_COPYDATA or so.
What I don´t understand is the way how I could in this case convert
the (binary) data to PVOID as required for the lpData member of
COPYDATASTRUCT and then "read" the data, meaning binary read lpData as
if it was reading a file content.
I might be able to get the pointers right, but then I´m missing the
corresponsing command to ReadFile(), my guess is I´d need strcpy() or
something like that?