From: Fangjun Jiang on
This seems challenging. This might be a solution but not so elegant.

In DOS, you can use 'dir /T:C' to show the creation date of the folder or file.
So, in Matlab

[flag,text]=system(['dir ',folder,' /T:C'])

You'll get the creation date for all the files and directory under the folder. The first entry marked by '.' is the one you want. You might be able to use regular expression to extract that creation date from the whole text.

Again, this is my solution so far. I am not really satisfied with it though.

"Bass " <bassam.atallah(a)> wrote in message <hcv2vh$9ca$1(a)>...
> the date returned by matlab's dir function is the "Date Modified" NOT "Date Created"
> Does anyone know how to get "Date Created" ?
> "Fangjun Jiang" <f(a)> wrote in message <gsil4n$d23$1(a)>...
> > Folder=dir('*.');
> >
> > Then Folder is a struct array that gives you 'name','date','bytes','isdir', etc.
> >
> > "Blaine " <EvilDonut0(a)> wrote in message <gsiepm$sh0$1(a)>...
> > > I am by no means new to matlab, but for the life of me i cannot find a way to read the created date of a directory. Pointers anyone?
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Blaine