From: Patrick on

A csv file is text only. You don't need a DDE.

The following seems correct:

FILENAME IN1 "C:\data\myinfo.csv";
data mydataa;
infile in1 DLM=',' missover;
input ...

You read all your data as character in the form <varname> $. That
doesn't seem right for variable names like "Date" and "DOB". Also for
character variables a $ without a length specification results in a
length of 8. That's may be not what you want.

Use dsd in the infile statement: "infile in1 DLM=',' truncover dsd;"
Without DSD 2 consecutive delimiters are interpreted as only one field

What might be helpful to create valid code:
Use the import wizard of Enterprise Guide and after you went through
all the steps use the properties of the generated EG node and reajust
the variable informats and formats if necessary.
