From: Camron Call on
That's fine. I can write the code to do it in a loop. So I would really like to know what would be the best way to save the data and preserve it's variable names and hierarchy.

How do you make nested structures programatically if I want it to be organized like:
so that I can type --> Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1.value and get the value string or get the units by Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1.units

or even have Name1 be a cell array with 4 entries. So as to access it by something like:

Would this type of data fit well into a dataset type?
From: TideMan on
On May 28, 3:43 am, "Camron Call" <camronc...(a)> wrote:
> That's fine.  I can write the code to do it in a loop.  So I would really like to know what would be the best way to save the data and preserve it's variable names and hierarchy.  
> How do you make nested structures programatically if I want it to be organized like:
> Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1
> so that I can type --> Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1.value and get the value string or get the units by Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1.units
> or even have Name1 be a cell array with 4 entries.  So as to access it by something like:
> Aircraft.Mass.Calibration.Name1{1}
> Would this type of data fit well into a dataset type?

Yes, but even better, IMHO, is to use an array of structures.
There would be 4 fields corresponding to your 4 columns (name, value,
units, inout), and each record would be an index in the structure.
So, for example, s(5).name would be
'Aircraft.Mass.Certification.Name5' (from your file listing above).
and s(5).units would be 'lb'.
You can generate this structure in the loop as you read the file in
line by line:
for id=1:1000
if line == -1,break,end % -1 means EOF
% Parse each line here