From: Bert Hyman on
In news:4beb5d4e$0$286$14726298(a) Arne Vajh�j
<arne(a)> wrote:

> On 11-05-2010 03:39, Peter Duniho wrote:
>> Udi wrote:
>>> The file is a given fact. It is created and written by a third party
>>> application.
>>> So unless there's a way to treat the file as a named pipe,
>>> i guess i'm stuck with saving the position between the calls?
>> As Arne says, you could look at the "modified" time stamp for the
>> file.
> It was the length not the timestamp I suggested looking at.

Wander around your favorite Web search engine and find the source code
for the tried-and-true *NIX "tail" application.

It does what you want except for the part of monitoring when the writing
application closes the file.

Translating it to C# should be a straightforward process.

Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN bert(a)