From: Uzumaki on 28 Jun 2010 05:40 Hi friends, I'm using Matlab R2010a. My OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. My laptop has a core 2 duo T9400 processor and 3GB of RAM. My problem is that when I start a Real-time Windows Target model (the rtpacketio demo model), my computer immediately encounters a blue screen error and then it automatically restarts. However, this error doesn't happen all the time. I mean sometimes I can run the real-time code without any errors, but sometimes I see the blue screen :( I have uninstalled and reinstalled the real-time kernel but this didn't help. I also disabled all firewall and antivirus programs but this didn't help either. The error still happens occasionally, and I just can't say anything about when it occurs, when it doesn't. Do you have any experience with this? Any answer would be very appreciated. Thanks and regards, Uzumaki
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