From: Dee Earley on
On 19/07/2010 12:47, ralph wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:29:35 +0100, Dee Earley
> <dee.earley(a)> wrote:
>> On 18/07/2010 16:44, ralph wrote:
>>> On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:40:31 +1000, Leo<ttdhead(a)> wrote:
>>>> I did mean to say a Standard DLL built using VB. I have vbAdvance
>>>> installed which will do the extra stuff for me.
>>> Ok. Always good to make sure.<g>
>>> What you do is compensate for the hidden conversion by converting it
>>> first. So your calls will look like this ...
>> Note also that using a type library means it won't do any conversion at all.
> There are many advantages to using a Type Library instead of Declare
> directives for Standard DLLs, essentially removing some over-head in
> making the call, but unfortunately this is not one of them.

Yes it is.
I know it does this conversion when calling "Declared" functions, but
for typelib based DLL functions, they are passed straight through as
wide strings.

Dee Earley (dee.earley(a)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems

(Replies direct to my email address will be ignored.
Please reply to the group.)
From: Jim Mack on
ralph wrote:
> Dee Earley wrote:
>> Note also that using a type library means it won't do any
>> conversion at all.
> There are many advantages to using a Type Library instead of Declare
> directives for Standard DLLs, essentially removing some over-head in
> making the call, but unfortunately this is not one of them.
> The conversion VB does from a VB BSTR to an ANSI BSTR is built into
> the VB VM (Runtime), and always occurs when VB passes a BSTR to an
> external library (Win32 or anything else).

Nope. When you use a TLB for an external library -- even if it's not a
COM DLL -- you can completely specify how arguments are passed. If the
interface says "BSTR" then you get a true Unicode BSTR with no
conversion. If the interface says "LPSTR" then VB will perform the
usual conversions.

In this way, for example, you can provide direct access to the "-W"
versions of Win32 APIs without the caller doing anything special (like
"ByVal StrPtr...").

However, in this case I think it makes no sense. Since it's a DLL _in_
VB, if you call it from VB you'd be crazy not to use the provided COM
interface. And if you call it from a different language, the TLB may
not come into play at all, depending on whether the other language
understands OLE and conforms to those conventions.

Jim Mack
Twisted tees at
"We sew confusion"

From: ralph on
On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 08:18:37 -0400, "Jim Mack" <no-uce-ube(a)>

>Nope. When you use a TLB for an external library -- even if it's not a
>COM DLL -- you can completely specify how arguments are passed. If the
>interface says "BSTR" then you get a true Unicode BSTR with no
>conversion. If the interface says "LPSTR" then VB will perform the
>usual conversions.
>In this way, for example, you can provide direct access to the "-W"
>versions of Win32 APIs without the caller doing anything special (like
>"ByVal StrPtr...").

I'll be damn you gentlemen are correct.
The conversion feature appears tied to the Declare Directives.
This is doubly embaressing as I too use a Unicode version of the Win32
Type Library all the time, for exactly that reason, thus should have
known better.
(My only excuse is that it has been years since I visited this issue.
Pretty lame, but I'm sticking to it. <g>)

Declare Function CharUpperA Lib "user32" (ByVal lpsz As String) _
_As Long
Declare Function CharUpperW Lib "user32" (ByVal lpsz As String)
_ As Long
' defined in Type Library:
' LPSTR WINAPI CharUpper(LPWSTR lpsz);
' entry("CharUpperW"),

Dim s As String
s = "string"
' works as expected on Win98 and WinNT
CharUpperA s
Debug.Print s
' fails on WinNT
CharUpperW s
Debug.Print s
' works as expected
CharUpper s
Debug.Print s

However, I'm having mixed results when creating a TypeLib for a VB
Standard DLL. Likely holding my mouth wrong.

I'll keep playing, just wanted to post my admission.

>However, in this case I think it makes no sense. Since it's a DLL _in_
>VB, if you call it from VB you'd be crazy not to use the provided COM
>interface. And if you call it from a different language, the TLB may
>not come into play at all, depending on whether the other language
>understands OLE and conforms to those conventions.

I agree.
COM is Unicode even on Win9x boxes.

From: ralph on
On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 12:57:46 +0100, Dee Earley
<dee.earley(a)> wrote:

>On 19/07/2010 12:47, ralph wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 09:29:35 +0100, Dee Earley
>> <dee.earley(a)> wrote:
>>> On 18/07/2010 16:44, ralph wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 18 Jul 2010 16:40:31 +1000, Leo<ttdhead(a)> wrote:
>>>>> I did mean to say a Standard DLL built using VB. I have vbAdvance
>>>>> installed which will do the extra stuff for me.
>>>> Ok. Always good to make sure.<g>
>>>> What you do is compensate for the hidden conversion by converting it
>>>> first. So your calls will look like this ...
>>> Note also that using a type library means it won't do any conversion at all.
>> There are many advantages to using a Type Library instead of Declare
>> directives for Standard DLLs, essentially removing some over-head in
>> making the call, but unfortunately this is not one of them.
>Yes it is.
>I know it does this conversion when calling "Declared" functions, but
>for typelib based DLL functions, they are passed straight through as
>wide strings.

I stand corrected.
See below

From: se on

"ralph" <nt_consulting64(a)> skrev i meddelelsen
> On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 08:18:37 -0400, "Jim Mack" <no-uce-ube(a)>
> wrote:
> I'll be damn you gentlemen are correct.
> The conversion feature appears tied to the Declare Directives.
> This is doubly embaressing as I too use a Unicode version of the Win32
> Type Library all the time, for exactly that reason, thus should have
> known better.
> (My only excuse is that it has been years since I visited this issue.
> Pretty lame, but I'm sticking to it. <g>)
> -ralph

>> What IS a surprise to me is that you are somehow expecting ANY string
>> to number converstion process to automatically know what you want it
>> to do! (Been watching too much TV I think.)
>> -ralph

Whom ?.

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