From: fhjghjhgg hgfghgghhghgh ghhgj on 5 Jun 2010 00:43 shga haghgh shhga ssghg ah sgfgfa gfag assfg fgg fgf agfg ssgf gfgfg assfgfg hhsg asghghghghg ssghgaghgh haghghgh ghgh aghghghgs shagshg hgs ahghsghgh ghghghh ghg ghag hghghgahs ghghgh as shgh sghghghddghhhghagghag shhgshghghghg asghg sgfgf gfgf gafaga gsgsgfg sghghg afgf ahghghg gsfgfgfgf agfg agfg aahghg ssghhghghghghsfgfgfg news:%235E1cLD3KHA.4028(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... > OK ALL U HAVE TO DO IS RESISTAT > "Joy" <nospamjoymp2(a)> wrote in m AGHAGHG HGHG H AGHGHAGHHSG HSG GH AGHG HGSHGSHG GAHGHGHHGHGH > JHDJDHJH SSJJH HJ news:ezgRu4QxKHA.5132(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >> It's been a while since I knew how to solve the "red X" problem, but my >> computer crashed and now that my computer man has it back and running, I >> have the red X and I can't remember the setting to solve it; something >> about security? Thanks. >> > > |