Prev: Multiple links in a single image slide show..
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From: Rob Christiansen on 23 Jun 2010 18:11 My program is composed of 3 scripts. Script #1 does its thing, then Response.Redirects to Script #2, which in turn Response.Redirects to Script #3. Each script creates variables which are passed with the former ones on to the next script - it makes for one long, laborious and complicated Redirect statement! I was thinking, however, I could instead put all those variables into an object and then simply pass the object . Would this work? I tried it, the browser recognized it as an object, but I couldn't retrieve any data. --------------------- CalIOnfo = new Object(); CalIOnfo.filename = "acal"+ fileyear; CalIOnfo.databasename = filename +".mdb"; CalIOnfo.calendarfile = filename +".htm"; CalIOnfo.linkfile = filename +".rte"; CalIOnfo.calendarseek = filename +".htm#"+ month ; CalIOnfo.nextmonth = filemonth; CalIOnfo.nextmonth++; if(CalIOnfo.nextmonth == 13 ) CalIOnfo.nextmonth =12; //. Response.Redirect("acalen2.asp?CalIOnfo");// crazyswede *** Sent via Developersdex *** |