From: Oscar LAI on
Hi everyone,

can somebody help me out with this problem?

my coding is :

A = xlsread('public.xls');

spec = garchset('P',0,'Q',0,'C',0,...
strm = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',2269);
[e,s,y] = garchsim(spec,1225,14,[],A); % Optional Inputs: NumSamples, NumPaths, State, X, Tolerance, PreInnovations, PreSigmas, PreSeries
[coeff,errors] = garchfit(spec,y,A);

an error message comes out :
??? Error using ==> garchsim at 295
Number of 'Regress' coefficients unequal to number of regressors in 'X'.

A is the matrix for regression with size 1225, 14. What should I do in order to tackle this problem? thx as lot!