From: Epetruk on

I'm using the Windows Image Acquisition library in a project, but I'm
running into problems using it.

I've done the following:

- Registered the wiaaut.dll library;

- Gone to the toolbox and right clicked 'Choose Items...', selected the
Device from the 'Choose Toolbox Items'/'COM Components', selected the
DeviceManager class, clicked 'OK' (this causes two dlls, AxInterop.WIA.dll
and Interop.WIA.dll to be generated);

- Built the project;

- Ran the built executable.

When the code gets to this line in the code:

Dim devMgr As WIA.DeviceManager = New WIA.DeviceManagerClass

it errors with the following message:

Creating an instance of the COM Component with the CLSID
{E1C5D730-7E97-4D8A-9E42-BBAE87C2059F} from the IClassFactory failed due to
the following error: 80040154

Now I know that 80040154 is a "Class not registered" error. So I checked the
registry, and for sure, I saw that under My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID
there was a node with the {E1C5D730-7E97-4D8A-9E42-BBAE87C2059F}, and this
node had a folder named ProgID which had default value of

So I don't quite understand why I'm getting a no-registration error. Is
there anything I'm doing wrong?



(aknak at aksoto dot idps dot co dot uk)