From: Andre Brito on

There are some posts where my email shows up after someone posted a reply.
How do I remove posts where my email is displayed?

From: Rune Allnor on
On 31 Jan, 14:18, "Andre Brito"
<andre_brito23.remove.t...(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are some posts where my email shows up after someone posted a reply.
> How do I remove posts where my email is displayed?

You can't.

If you don't appreciate the attention of spammers, you
should register a 'dead' email address; that is, and email
address you don't use for anything else.

From: ImageAnalyst on
Andre Brito
If you use the Mathworks newsreader, you can maintain a different
email that it will attach to your posts so that your real email is
never made public. Make an account and then check out your "Community
Profile" and you'll see two email addresses. Have them be different.
The "newsgroup" email doesn't even have to be a real account.
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