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Michael Terrell's cat found,0,5490032.story ... 22 May 2010 12:45
Bauer 16 mm projector schematic
Does anyone have, or have suggestions for where to find, a schematic for a Bauer P8L Universal 16 mm film projector? TIA ... ... 26 May 2010 00:32
Model Sony KDS 60-A2000 no vertical
Need your help once again group, and this is my own TV. Got the 4 red blinks on the power light. Set won't come up. Web search says this code is loss of verical. I can't find any info other than this. I hoped that this problem would be somewhat common to this particular model with a common fix. I don't have the sch... 22 May 2010 07:17
The Bob Parker Anatek Blue ESR Meter
I bought a new Blue ESR meter kit from Anatek recently. The kit was received very quickly, and assembly was easy. The kit is neatly packed, the circuit board is high quality and clearly marked for correct component placement. Anatek created an online forum for discussion of their products, so, if someone encou... 21 May 2010 16:08
VT5V73 Generic 15" LCD Color NTSC Composite Video Monitor No Backlight Symptom
I bought a couple of used units of these No-brand generic LCD monitors to use for video camera use. They have no brand name, and I don't know where they were sold originally. For my first actual fault-finding in-circuit testing use of the Blue ESR Meter, I found a defective capacitor quickly, and restored the ... 23 May 2010 12:28
? on NTE56041 for touch-on lamp
I am attempting to fix my Mother-in-law's touch-on/touch-off lamp, which appears to have a faulty BT136-600E triac in it. The sub for this is the NTE56041, but that part doesn't turn on the lights when I install it and touch the metal body of the lamp. The original part at least tried to turn the lights on wh... 22 May 2010 23:38
Followup re: USB malfunction ? / Ezbus digital mixer /Ez-usb USB chip
Franc Zabkar <fzabkar(a)> wrote in message news:v16au55l7efkpp3s4891vs52e84invl93a(a) On Wed, 5 May 2010 08:56:58 +0100, "N_Cook" <diverse(a)> put finger to keyboard and composed: that 1K5 will have to go back in , It is the first point of recognition for USB linking. Ne... 7 Jun 2010 06:21
AC current sensor with interface
Hi, I'm looking for non-contact current sensors for 0-60/70A AC connected to some digital interface (1-wire, GPIB, RS422, ethernet etc). The measured cable should run through a hole in the sensor and not be galvanically connected. I need to monitor and register AC current with a computer from different a... 20 May 2010 18:19
opposite of an RF Modulator?
Does there exist the opposite of an RF Modulator? Something that will take RF and turn it into digital for a digital tv? Details: I don't need this yet but I'm trying to plan ahead. What will I do when I have one or two digital tvs, but I'm sending analog to all the tvs in the house? I don't have the energ... 29 May 2010 08:07
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