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From: Oleg Komarov on 19 Jan 2010 11:27 Dear All, I'm looking for a FEX submission that finds blocks of repeated numeric values (including NaN) and returns the starting and the ending index/indexes, the lenght/lengths of the repeated block/blocks, the number of blocks and the value itself . Example: In = [1,2,3,3,3,NaN,NaN,3,3,3,3,4,5,6,7]; Out(1).Value = 3; Out(1).Initial = {3;8}; Out(1).Final = {5;1}; Out(1).Len = {3;4}; Out(1).NumBlocs = 2; Out(1).Value = NaN; Out(1).Initial = {6}; Out(1).Final = {7}; Out(1).Len = {2}; Out(1).NumBlocs = 1; Plz let me know if any submission is close to the type of the outputs requested (how it is stored it doesn't matter). Thanks Oleg
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