From: mayayana on
A bit of an edit to make my air code slightly
less airy:

Public Function SReplace(StrToRep As String) As String
Dim Lens As Long, LNew As Long, iPos As Long, iPosNew As Long, iPosStart As
Long, Len2 As Long
Dim iChar As Integer
Dim A1() As Integer
Dim Boo1 As Boolean

Lens = Len(StrToRep)
LNew = Lens * 1.5

SReplace = String$(LNew, 0)
With SA1 '-- set up array for t1.text string.
.cbElements = 2
.cElements = Lens + 1
.cDims = 1
.pvData = StrPtr(StrToRep)
End With
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), VarPtr(SA1), 4

iPosNew = 1 '-- offset into new string
iPos = 0

Do While iPos < Lens
iPosStart = iPos + 1
iChar = A1(iPos)

Select Case iChar
Case 0
Exit Do

Case 42
If A1(iPos + 1) = 42 Then
If A1(iPos + 2) = 42 Then
Mid$(SReplace, iPosNew) = "**"
iPosNew = iPosNew + 2
iPos = iPos + 2
Boo1 = True
End If
End If
If Boo1 = False Then
Mid$(SReplace, iPosNew) = Mid$(StrToRep, (iPosStart), 1)
iPosNew = iPosNew + 1
End If
Boo1 = False
Case Else
Mid$(SReplace, iPosNew) = Mid$(StrToRep, (iPosStart), 1)
iPosNew = iPosNew + 1
End Select

iPos = iPos + 1

ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(A1), 4
Len2 = InStr(1, SReplace, Chr$(0))
If Len2 > 1 Then SReplace = Left$(SReplace, (Len2 - 1))
End Function


1) Added $ to all Mid calls. I've never been sure
about the Mid statement. It works as Mid$ but
is only documented as Mid. On the other hand,
the VB object browser doesn't show the Mid statement
at all. And MSDN, while listing the Mid and Mid$ function
but only the Mid statement, actually only has one page
pointed to by both Mid Function and Mid$ Function.
It's strange that the VB docs are so cavalier about
distinguishing between data types. I haven't tested
whether Mid$ statement might be slower than Mid
staement for some reason. It works, so I figure it's
the safer option for optimization.

2) At "Case 42" I realized that if a match was not
found then the character still needed to be dealt with.
My first version would have dropped out any * not
followed by two asterisks.

(It can get tricky as the function gets more complex
and customized, but a simple Replace function would
avoid that problem. Also, with this method the incoming
string can be LCase-d to do a text-compare operation.
And of course it would be simple to add a counter.)

I don't know if the method I'm using is the fastest,
but it was the best option I came up with when I
needed to write a complex string-rebuilding function.
By pointing an array at the incoming string one avoids
Asc/Chr conversions. Of course the new string could also
be built as an integer array, but that quickly becomes
unwieldy if there are long strings being replaced. In
other words, if you want to replace "a" with "b" it would
be easy, but if you want to replace "here" with "anywhere
in the world" it gets awkward.

The VBSpeed samples are interesting, and Olaf's
code seems to be the clear winner there, but they
seem to be only testing short strings. And the results
vary so much for different calls that I wonder what
value the tests have. In real-world usage a few
microseconds difference is an absurd measure, especially
given that the function is seldom called more than a few
times. I don't see how those samples could be useful
unless they were repeated on a typical string of perhaps
100 KB.

From: Schmidt on

"mayayana" <mayaXXyana(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

> The VBSpeed samples are interesting, and Olaf's
> code seems to be the clear winner there, but they
> seem to be only testing short strings. And the results
> vary so much for different calls that I wonder what
> value the tests have. In real-world usage a few
> microseconds difference is an absurd measure, especially
> given that the function is seldom called more than a few
> times. I don't see how those samples could be useful
> unless they were repeated on a typical string of perhaps
> 100 KB.

The practical reason I wrote this highly optimized
Replace-routine was serverside code for dynamically
"glued together" WebPage-snippets (templates), some
of them below 1 or 2kByte, but some of them larger
Building up such an "ready to post back" Webpage involved
quite an amount of such replacements - and this was a few
years back in time, where a "fast CPU" was one of the
Pentium III-class (with only about 500MHz-1GHz clock-freq).

And the performance gain, compared with the builtin
VB6-Replace-function was really worth it.

Nowadays the faster CPUs with their larger caches
seem to make its usage obsolete, and you're right,
the Mid-statement is not all that bad in comparison,
just look at Jost Schwiders entries into the list - though
there's a factor 2-4 anyways (on average), compared with the
higher optimized (Integer-Array-mapped) string routines
which follow his contributions.

From a short test, I can measure about the same difference
of factor 3-4, if I time the performance of your posted
routine with my approach (corrected and tuned somewhat
by Guido Beckmann).

Factor 4, when tested on my older Pentium III 500MHz,
and reduced to about factor 3, when compared on a
modern CPU.

And that is comparing a generically working Replace-
routine with a currently "somewhat specialized"
code, which acts on a "limited input-range" currently.

Since you already work with the Integer-array-mapping,
it would be consequent, to work "entirely within array-space",
also for the "copy-over" of the appropriate parts.

You could speedup your routine by a reasonable amount,
doing so.

Here comes a Class (based on Guidos latest corrections),
which I've just adapted a bit, to work without the Typelib
he was using - so that the code is ready for copy and paste:

'***Into a Class
Option Explicit

Private Type SafeArray1D
cDims As Integer
fFeatures As Integer
cbElements As Long
cLocks As Long
pvData As Long
cElements1d As Long
lLBound As Long
End Type

Private Declare Sub BindArray Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(PArr() As Any, PSrc&, Optional ByVal cb& = 4)
Private Declare Sub ReleaseArray Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(PArr() As Any, Optional PSrc& = 0, Optional ByVal cb& = 4)
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" _
(dst As Any, src As Any, ByVal nBytes&)

Private Declare Function CharLowerBuffA& Lib "user32" _
(lpsz As Any, ByVal cchLength&)
Private Declare Function CharLowerBuffW& Lib "user32" _
(lpsz As Any, ByVal cchLength&)

Private aSrc%(), saSrc As SafeArray1D
Private aNew%(), saNew As SafeArray1D
Private aOld%(), saOld As SafeArray1D
Private aDst%(), saDst As SafeArray1D
Private aPosFnd&(), ubPosFnd&
Private aLowChars%(&H8000 To &H7FFF)

Friend Function Replace(Text As String, sOld As String, sNew As String, _
Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal Count As Long = 2147483647, _
Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare _
) As String

Dim c&, i&, j&, cntCpy&
Dim cntFnd&, ptrSrc&, ptrDst&
Dim lenFnd&, lenSrc&, lenNew&, lenNewB&
Dim posFnd&, posOut&, posIn&
Dim ubFnd&, Fnd0%, fSameLen As Boolean

lenSrc = Len(Text)
lenNew = Len(sNew)
lenFnd = Len(sOld)
ubFnd = lenFnd - 1
ptrSrc = StrPtr(Text)

If lenSrc = 0 Then Exit Function
If lenFnd = 0 Then Replace = Text: Exit Function
If Start > 0 Then i = Start - 1

saSrc.pvData = ptrSrc
saOld.pvData = StrPtr(sOld)
saNew.pvData = StrPtr(sNew)

If lenFnd = lenNew Then
fSameLen = True
Replace = Text

saDst.pvData = StrPtr(Replace)
' ptrDst = StrPtr(Replace11)
' saDst.pvData = ptrDst
End If

c = lenSrc - lenFnd
If Compare = vbBinaryCompare Then

Fnd0 = aOld(0)

For i = i To c
'Inline-Cascading for first Char
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aSrc(i) <> Fnd0 Then GoTo loopNxt

If i > c Then Exit For

'Search all others
j = ubFnd
Do While j
If aSrc(i + j) <> aOld(j) Then GoTo loopNxt
j = j - 1

cntFnd = cntFnd + 1
'Found at Position i (0 based)
If fSameLen Then
j = lenNew
Do: j = j - 1: aDst(i + j) = aNew(j): Loop While j
If cntFnd > ubPosFnd Then
ubPosFnd = ubPosFnd + 512: ReDim Preserve aPosFnd(ubPosFnd)
End If
aPosFnd(cntFnd) = i * 2
End If

If cntFnd = Count Then Exit For
i = i + ubFnd
loopNxt: Next i

Else 'vbStringCompare

Fnd0 = aLowChars(aOld(0))

For i = i To c
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then i = i + 1: _
If aLowChars(aSrc(i)) <> Fnd0 Then GoTo loopNxt2

If i > c Then Exit For

'Search all others
j = ubFnd
Do While j
If aLowChars(aSrc(i + j)) <> aLowChars(aOld(j)) Then
GoTo loopNxt2
End If
j = j - 1
'Found at Position i (0 based)
cntFnd = cntFnd + 1
If fSameLen Then
j = lenNew
Do: j = j - 1: aDst(i + j) = aNew(j): Loop While j
If cntFnd > ubPosFnd Then
ubPosFnd = ubPosFnd + 512: ReDim Preserve aPosFnd(ubPosFnd)
End If
aPosFnd(cntFnd) = i * 2
End If
If cntFnd = Count Then Exit For
i = i + ubFnd
loopNxt2: Next i
End If

'Generate Output
If fSameLen Then Exit Function

If cntFnd = 0 Then
Replace = Text
c = lenSrc + (lenNew - lenFnd) * cntFnd
Replace = Space(c)
ptrDst = StrPtr(Replace)
saDst.pvData = ptrDst

lenFnd = lenFnd * 2
If lenNew Then
lenNewB = lenNew * 2
For i = 1 To cntFnd
posFnd = aPosFnd(i)
cntCpy = posFnd - posIn

If cntCpy > 50 Then
RtlMoveMemory ByVal saDst.pvData, ByVal saSrc.pvData, cntCpy
saDst.pvData = saDst.pvData + cntCpy
ElseIf cntCpy > 0 Then
j = cntCpy \ 2
Do: j = j - 1: aDst(j) = aSrc(j): Loop While j
saDst.pvData = saDst.pvData + cntCpy
End If

posIn = posFnd + lenFnd
saSrc.pvData = ptrSrc + posIn

If lenNew > 50 Then
RtlMoveMemory ByVal saDst.pvData, ByVal saNew.pvData, lenNewB
j = lenNew
Do: j = j - 1: aDst(j) = aNew(j): Loop While j
End If
saDst.pvData = saDst.pvData + lenNewB
Next i
For i = 1 To cntFnd
posFnd = aPosFnd(i)
cntCpy = posFnd - posIn

If cntCpy > 50 Then
RtlMoveMemory ByVal saDst.pvData, ByVal saSrc.pvData, cntCpy
saDst.pvData = saDst.pvData + cntCpy
ElseIf cntCpy > 0 Then
j = cntCpy \ 2
Do: j = j - 1: aDst(j) = aSrc(j): Loop While j
saDst.pvData = saDst.pvData + cntCpy
End If

posIn = posFnd + lenFnd
saSrc.pvData = ptrSrc + posIn
Next i
End If

c = lenSrc * 2 - posIn
If c > 50 Then
RtlMoveMemory aDst(0), aSrc(0), c
ElseIf c > 0 Then
c = c \ 2
Do: c = c - 1: aDst(c) = aSrc(c): Loop While c
End If
End If
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim c&

ubPosFnd = 512: ReDim aPosFnd(ubPosFnd)

saSrc.cDims = 1
saSrc.cbElements = 2
saSrc.cElements1d = &H7FFFFFFF

saNew = saSrc
saOld = saSrc
saDst = saSrc

BindArray aSrc, VarPtr(saSrc)
BindArray aNew, VarPtr(saNew)
BindArray aOld, VarPtr(saOld)
BindArray aDst, VarPtr(saDst)

For c = -32768 To 32767: aLowChars(c) = c: Next c
If CharLowerBuffW(aLowChars(-32768), &H10000) = 0 Then
CharLowerBuffA aLowChars(65), (223 - 65) * 2
End If

' added by donald, 20011210
' patch the stooges
' S 138/352 s 154/353
' O 140/338 o 156/339
' Z 142/381 z 158/382
' Y 159/376 � 255/255
aLowChars(352) = 353
aLowChars(338) = 339
aLowChars(381) = 382
aLowChars(376) = 255
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
ReleaseArray aSrc
ReleaseArray aNew
ReleaseArray aOld
ReleaseArray aDst
End Sub

From: mayayana on
Thank you. That's very informative and good to know
for future reference.

From: David Kaye on
"Donald Lessau" <don(a)> wrote:

>Check at VBspeed. All functions here work the way you like it, and are
>faster than Vb6 Replace:

It's funny. Last night I tried several methods of replacing unwanted
characters in a text file. I used Replace and InStr/Mid$, both as text and
using the Asc function. I also tried doing a Select Case routine.

What I found was that a For Next loop using Replace was the fastest for
eliminating characters in a text file.

What I did was write a bunch of routines all with the same basic things such
as starting a timer and adding to a list box. Except for the string
replacement part all were identical. I called them from a Command button and
the results showed on my screen as they ran. The extra Dims were in there
because they were used in other routines and I wanted to be sure I was
doing the exact same thing each time in each routine except for the actual

NOTE: I replaced characters < "A" only because I wanted to replace a bunch of
stuff in a typical text file, not because I plan to use this exact replacement
scenario. The Text1.Text box held 28k of text I copied from a text file.

I think the most important parts are to put the entire text into a variable
and to use Replace to replace the contents of that variable, that is b$ = the
new b$. I'm assuming that VB is not creating a new memory location for b$,
but is reusing the space. This probably accounts for the speed.

This was the winning routine:

Sub MyReplace()
Dim i%, j%, a$, b$, timex
timex = Timer
b$ = Text1.Text
For j% = 1 To 64
b$ = Replace(b$, Chr$(j%), "")
For j% = 128 To 255
b$ = Replace(b$, Chr$(j%), "")
List1.AddItem CDec(Timer - timex)
End Sub

There was one thing faster and that was a line by line Replace function for
each and every character. That was so fast that the timer couldn't even
register a change.

From: Larry Serflaten on

"David Kaye" <sfdavidkaye2(a)> wrote

> I think the most important parts are to put the entire text into a variable
> and to use Replace to replace the contents of that variable, that is b$ = the
> new b$. I'm assuming that VB is not creating a new memory location for b$,
> but is reusing the space. This probably accounts for the speed.

That couldn't happen if the replacement was larger than what was replaced.

You have to remember that Replace is to be used in a wide variety of situations.
If the scope of your problem is very limited, you should be able to beat
VB's Replace statement hands down using knowlege of the particular situation.

See what you get for this method which does the same job as your post:

Function Scrub(Text As String) As String
Dim inc() As Byte
Dim txt() As Byte
Dim src As Long, dst As Long

txt = Text
inc = StrConv(String$(32, 0) & String$(96, 2) & Chr$(0), vbFromUnicode)
Do While src < UBound(txt)
txt(dst) = txt(src)
src = src + 2
dst = dst + inc(txt(dst))
Do While dst < UBound(txt)
txt(dst) = 32
dst = dst + 2
Scrub = Trim$(txt)
End Function

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