From: Dirk Craeynest on 3 Jun 2010 01:22 The former moderator of the comp.parallel newsgroups just posted the appended request for suggested readings at the graduate level in parallel computing. It would be nice to get some Ada-related books in that list. Suggestions should be sent to his e-mail address within the next two weeks. Dirk Dirk.Craeynest(a) (for Ada-Belgium/-Europe/SIGAda/WG9 mail) *** 15th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2010 *** June 14-18, 2010 *** Valencia, Spain *** PS: Copy or original request follows: From: Eugene Miya <eugene(a)> Subject: H&P new edition input Newsgroups: comp.parallel Date: 02 Jun 2010 15:23:16 GMT John Hennessy informs me that they are working on an updated edition of his architecture book. C.p. has at least 600 readers on google groups independent of remaining usenet sites, and it has been a while since I once again solicit every one for their suggested readings at the graduate level in parallel computing. Just email your former moderator your suggestions of what you think students of parallel computing should read. You don't have to post, I merely tally the suggestions. The old list is getting long in the tooth. If you submitted suggestions before, you can change them, just let me know. You have a week or two to send me your "vote" of say up to 10 references. A partial citation is usually fine, I'll get back to you if I can't complete the citation myself. John will take the compilation for his chapter on parallel computing.
From: J-P. Rosen on 3 Jun 2010 01:35 Dirk Craeynest a �crit : > The former moderator of the comp.parallel newsgroups just posted the > appended request for suggested readings at the graduate level in parallel > computing. It would be nice to get some Ada-related books in that list. > > Suggestions should be sent to his e-mail address within the next two weeks. > Is it limited to books in English (Breguet/Zaffalon would be a good candidate in French)? -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen(a) Visit Adalog's web site at
From: Dirk Craeynest on 3 Jun 2010 02:09 In article <hu7ev6$rsi$1(a)> in comp.lang.ada J-P. Rosen writes: >Is it limited to books in English (Breguet/Zaffalon would be a good >candidate in French)? I don't know whether non-English books are accepted as well. Looking for the latest "Suggested readings" posting in comp.parallel, I note that only publications in English are listed in the top 10. But you can of course always suggest it. Dirk
From: John McCormick on 3 Jun 2010 08:04 "Building Parallel, Embedded, and Real-Time Applications with Ada" by McCormick, Singhoff, and Hugues will be published by Cambridge University Press at the end of this year. See The release date is probably too late to be considered. John On Jun 3, 12:22 am, d...(a) (Dirk Craeynest) wrote: > The former moderator of the comp.parallel newsgroups just posted the > appended request for suggested readings at the graduate level in parallel > computing. It would be nice to get some Ada-related books in that list.. > > Suggestions should be sent to his e-mail address within the next two weeks. > > Dirk > Dirk.Craeyn...(a) (for Ada-Belgium/-Europe/SIGAda/WG9 mail) >
From: björn lundin on 3 Jun 2010 15:49 On 3 Juni, 07:22, d...(a) (Dirk Craeynest) wrote: > The former moderator of the comp.parallel newsgroups just posted the > appended request for suggested readings at the graduate level in parallel > computing. It would be nice to get some Ada-related books in that list.. > I suggested Concurrency in Ada by Alan Burns (Author), Andy Wellings (Author), John Barns (Foreword) Great book /Björn
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